iOS 7


Jan 4, 2008
After all the pros and cons about iOS 7 i decided to try it out myself today.
Ive been an android user until a week ago, but I have to say I love the intuitive feel of the iPhone, although the new iOS is like a ugly girlfriend, you might fall in love with its personality :p After this post i guess I should say "fight!" to all the haters :p

I love the new multitasking features, and the overall simplistic feel ain't that bad! It's fast and I might even consider learning the objective-C language to utilize the device for production purposes ;)
Same, they should have implemented it long ago but my guess is they were already planning for iOS 7 since iOS 5 and kept the deeper work for now. I like the look of it, I expect it to be more logical now with all those features that were never really well added (like the use of the flash as a flashlight).
I tried Siri recently and although it does kinda work, I would never use it for creating events or appointments in the calendar. You have to check it a lot, and in the end it's just as long as doing it manually. If you say "at 8 oclock" it assumes 8pm or am and not necessarily the one you want. I'm gonna experiment with it more though, for things like "Call mom" or "turn wifi off".
Much as I love Android, the stability and especially battery life leave something to be desired - now that iOS is finally catching up on the software front I may go back if the rumored ~4.7" iPhone comes to fruition (still can't deal with those small screens)
Marcus, the iPhone 5 screen is perfect. I've tried all the large-format Androids and find them to be a pain in the ass in both my pocket and my hands. I rock the 5 with a Mophie battery case and it's still more comfortable and compact than the monstrosity that is the Galaxy S3/S4.
I don't like bigger screens either because anything bigger is not practical for single hand use imo. I'm lucky I have big hands because I think otherwise I couldn't reach the top left of the iphone 5 without a little twist !

I have to chek those Mophie cases. They look just like what I need. I used to have a similar case for my iphone 4, the double battery was just so practical.