Looking for Metal midi drummer for Online Session Work

Dec 16, 2010
Under the heading... i'm a guitar player, not a drummer, Damn It!

I'm in the process of recording 3 original cd's. One 6 song free CD (mix of Modern and Old School Metal), One 8 song "Old School" metal CD, and one 9 song Modern Metal CD -- that's quite a workload, and i'm starting to hate drums!
I'm editing all the drum parts that my drummer laid down on a midi drum kick (quantizing, humanizing, adding midi loops/fills) Problem is, there's alot of ghost notes, and overplaying, as well as, parts that just don't fit right.
Are there any midi drumers out there interested in some session work? I can post a song on this forum to audition your prowess, and then give you x amount per song for the rest of the albums using paypal or mailing check.

let me know
If you are interested my friend Lyle Cooper (The Faceless) and I offer session drum services, including drum programming.
It's totally dependent on the material, length, etc. It may not be for you, just an option though. Best thing is to make demos of the songs, or at least one song, so people have an idea of what you are trying to do.
Sorry about the delay, but I'm laying down guitar parts so I can have drummers give it a go with my midi drum parts AND make available my DI guitar tracks for reampling.
Please can you say bit clearer?
If I understand right you are compiling audio to give us for competition?
If so I'm waiting as hell!