Maiden Song Polls - Round 6


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia
Well, we're down to six songs. This week we vote for the final two songs in the poll - from more than 120 songs to 2. It's been emotional.

As usual, please ensure you vote in both polls. Two polls aren't that difficult to vote in. To help the really stupid voters I've included a link to the other poll in each poll, so now you really have no excuse.

The links to the polls are:



Many thanks.
Well, it was always going to win, wasn't it? :) Was there ever any doubt?

I'm quite surprised The Trooper isn't making a bigger show in this round. Sheesh, it's running last as we speak!
But if The Trooper was in Poll 1 instead of being up against Hallowed it would probably be doing better coz it would be closer.

Anything up against Hallowed just gets Slaughtered.

If Children Of The Damned makes it into the final... that means the 2 finalists will be be my 2 favourite Maiden songs :)
Well, it was the luck of the draw, same with every other poll I've done in this series. Thing is, in the second poll the people who *don't* like Hallowed (ie, those that voted for the other two songs in the poll) might vote for Children or Evil, as could the people who voted for Children or Evil in this week's polls, and we could therefore have a close race.

And the thing is, if The Trooper was in the other poll and won, then it would still get slaughtered next week, yeah? Yeah. So it doesn't really make much difference.