MIX PRACTICE FILES!! (download and enjoy!)


New Metal Member
Apr 17, 2014
Hey guys,

love how theres bunch of multitracks on this site! wanted to add to that lovely collection with one of my own tracks.. (scroll all the way down for the download link! )

band name is Scythe Impalement.

if you like the track, you can check us out on:


Here's the track, called Resisting Temptation....

and the full EP, A Divine Intervention on youtube:

some info about the multitracks:

- clean DI guitars.

- DI bass

- Drum midi files

- the DI file for solo 1 guitar went corrupt so
the provided track isnt a clean DI but rather
the tone recorded using Axe-Fx.

TEMPO: 120bpm

would love to hear what you guys can cook up
enjoy, and keep it brutal! :kickass:

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1'st try using ezMix2 (kinda quick mixed, but I'll be honest: I don't know much about mixing, and haveing used more time wouldn't have made it any better I think). Enjoy og puke :)

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Damn, I wanted to do a remix of this but I apparently forgot to download the files when OP posted them and now the link is broken. Could anyone re-upload them by any chance? Looks like OP won't be coming back.