Need advice/guidance


New Metal Member
Nov 2, 2010
Hey guys this is my first post on here. I've been reading a lot on these forums for the past few weeks. I just got into recording and producing about a month ago and learned there is a lot to know.

I've been messing around with rough demos trying to practice and get better at mixing. I listen to a lot of the posts on here and find that they have a certain punch or power that I can't grasp. I also found that just because it sounds good on my monitors doesn't mean it does else where.

Anyways here's a song that I will gladly take any advice on. The drums are live without a click, the kick has a sound replacer blend. Two guitar tracks and one bass all DI. Blood3.mp3
Good job on the mix!!! & great song.

I would maybe give the kick some low end & add some eq and compression to the snare aswell to make them cut through in the mix.
Sounds good, but the kick sounds pretty thin and could perhaps use some more volume. Also add some grind to the bass.
I agree with everyone else. Drums should be re-done and maybe with samples if the kit isn't that great. There are lots of great tips on here on replacing drums with triggers and samples (lots of those floating around on here as well)

Also, is there any mastering done on this? Replacing the drums w/ a fatter kick and better snare and some mastering on the whole thing should give it the beefy life you want.