Need advice on a freeware music notion/score program.


May 26, 2010
Dayton, Ohio
Hi all! I need help with finding a freeware music notation program that is relatively comprehensive as far as dynamic engraving possibilities but also plays them back that way as well. Basically I have Sibelius 6 and it is great but it is on a comp whose hard drive has failed and I am waiting to get a new one and have my files backed up. I do not need anything that sounds great just something that allows me to engrave dynamics and hairpins, crescendos/decrescendos, and plays them back as well. I have musescore
and that actually is pretty fantastic for being freeware but it does not play
back hairpins, dynamic directions yes, but those no. I know how to do that with automation but that takes forever and kills any spontaneous writing I
might do. Am I asking too much? Even the new Gpro does not do it. Plz help :Spin:
Now I'm not sure if this is even still around (or if so, what the current version is like) but years and years ago, before getting Guitar Pro, I used a freeware program called Powertab. Remember it being really good - scoring looked pretty old-school though
As far as freeware goes Musescore is probably the best your going to get.


Is very similar to guitar pro without all the RSE crap. It will play back dynamics properly, but you'll have a hard time using it to create decent scores. With it being guitar orientated it doesn't to diminuendos either. Bouncing the MIDI between Musescore and TuxGuitar could be helpful, but it's a shoddy solution compared to Sibelius.