New pickup not delivering.


New Metal Member
Feb 9, 2006
So I finally got my Dimebucker pickup (Seymor Duncan SH13 Dimebucker), three days ago. Set me back 150eur. However, when I tried it out for the first time after getting home, I was disappointed. I'd expected it to just blow me away. I only noticed a somewhat more punch in the tone, but not anything extraordinary -- like you would expect from a pickup with that pricetag. It basically sounded like my old Ibanez humbucker pickup that came with the guitar. I mean, the treble wasn't any different... doing pinched harmonics wasn't any easier, and the harmonics sure didn't sound any different. I was expecting to be able to squeel the paint off my walls with this badboy. It's a Dimebag pickup after all.

As you probably can see, I'm pretty new to this kind of stuff (only having played for a bit over a year), so basically I figured it was my amp that was holding the pickup back.

However, I had a talk with a friend of mine earlier, and I told him about my experience with the pickup, and what kind of amp I use (Line 6 Spider II 30W), and he said the amp isn't what's holding the pickup back, but that I probably just have to "figure out the proper tones". At the time, I didn't feel like making him explain how I'd go about doing that, as that would probably leave me even more clueless. So, instead, I'm gonna ask you guys: did I just get ripped off? Or do I have to, as my friend said, "figure out the proper tones", and if so, how do I do that?

The guitar I play on is an Ibanez SZ320, if that helps anything.

Seriously, any help is much appreciated.
Hehehe, problem solved! I just had to turn the "MIC" knob back.

The sound is amazing!