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Voice of INTENSE
Sep 9, 2002
Thanks to Toni and and Rich from for these, the review is under Firing Squad

Perhaps a new British Invasion is underway! Intense, the English Power Metal band have a solid release with Second Sight. We have a blending of Classic Metal with true Power Metal here, and
one cannot not deny the influence of Iced Earth heard throughout much of the guitar playing. John Schaffer has truly rubbed off on guitarists Nick Palmer and Dave Peak. Not to say that they have no style of their own. Both play very melodic leads that range from energetic riffs and scales as heard
on "One Twenty" and "The Winged" to scales to more sorrowful sounding acoustics like what is attempted on "Seeds Of Betrayal". The latter even includes orchestral parts that bring even more intensity to the composition, reminding me a bit of Metallica in the way the mood is created. "Collision Of Destinies" is flavored with hints of another British band, Iron Maiden, creating a very up-tempo, riff driven piece.

Sean Hetherington has done a fine job producing vocals to fit any mood and changes with the piece being played. He seems to have the ability to enhance and create power, darkness and light as he sings, bringing a varied tone to every composition and making his mark with emotion.

Whether being a fan of more melodic, Classic Metal or a fan of Power Metal, listeners will find something of value with this collection. Intense can measure up to the standards of both, and none of the songs should be considered fillers.

Intense have definitely taken all of the best influences from the past and merged them into a solid piece of metal that reflects bands without being a direct rip off. While listening you can hear all your favorite
classics along with newer names like Iced Earth (Mat Barlow era) especially in the vocals.
"War of Angels" opening riff may remind some of early Flotsam and Jetsam (Doomsday period) and some parts can be in comparison to the American made Speed/Power Metal of Omen. It a very forceful track utilizing driving riffs and soloing. "The Skull of Sidon" has "Piece of Mind" Maidenish leads, wow do certain bars bring me to that album, and the more obscure songs at that. In the same token changes in the tempo hits on Iced Earth a lot. I like how Intense have, and I don't know how conscious this decision was, blended the musical sounds of both the more known household names with the lesser obscure bands from the early 80's. This combination has made their music traditional and fresh to an extent. It offers familiarity without trapping itself in a time warp. A nice solid effort.