New Sonata Arctica interview online (with Tony)

On a related note, why do so many power metal bands want to get away from the speedy songs? All it is is a tempo. It almost seems like they want to intentionally stay away from speedy songs. But that's part of what makes metal so great, is the fact that there is a wide range of tempos, from speedy double bass to mid-paced romps to sludgy slow powerful metal to sweet ballads. No other music has this kind of diversity, at least in terms of tempo.

Why do so many of the big boys of power metal want to constrict their range of tempos by excluding the speedy stuff?
Did anyone bother reading that interview? There was something blockbuster in it that NOBODY is talking about.

The fact that Jani Liimatainen might be history in Sonata?

The fact that Jani "is doing nothing" whether it is in regard to the military or "Civic Duty" has apparently upset the boys (Toni mentioned that he did 330 days in the military when he was 20). This is also probably why Jani was denied a visa to come into the US to play with Sonata. This is some serious shit, folks. Could we be seeing the NEW Sonata Arctica lineup with Elias Viljanen as the permanent Lead Guitarist?

About 14 months ago, myself, AMBR, and a few guys from Oceansouls of America had a late dinner at Applebee's after Sonata's gig. AMBR was mentioning to us that the Finns consider their proudest moment was the way they were beating up the mighty Soviet Army during WWII. Granted, Finland lost. However, they made the Soviets pay a severe price for taking Vyborg and the Karelian Isthmus despite being outnumbered in the neighborhood of 12-1 and completely outgunned. Despite this, Finland was 5 miles away from taking Leningrad. They did this with ZERO help from either the Nazis or the US.

Why do I mention this?

Because there might be a real reason why another band turned down Glenn.

That band was Nightwish.

Huh? Let's start first off. A while back, Zachary Hietala mentioned in an interview that they, meaning Zachary and Marco, were considered "weirdos" by their family (His Grandmother used to hide the boys picture) for being into metal. Zachary mentions that they came from a "military family" which made their entrance into the metal scene even more confusing. To use that as a baseline, it has also been metioned that to say Marco and Zachary were Finns and proud of it was one of history's great understatements. To go one further, in the Nightwish Video Blog last summer, Marco has a cutout that, translated into English, was "Marco sends ambulance for Putin." Tells you how much he loves Russia.

That said, on to the next part. Holopainen, Vuorinen and Nevalainen were all born or raised in the Kitee area. If Kitee was 50 yards east, it would be in Russia. So you know those three thank their lucky stars for those old folks who faught the "Winter War". Furthermore, in an interview with either Rock Hard or Metal Hammer, I forget which one, (I'll find it on OSA) Tuomas mentioned that he was against militarism "in all forms". DESPITE THIS, Tuomas Holopainen STILL served in the Finnish Army. Jeez, even Emppu, all 5'3 of him, served in the Army.

These things said, I am just wondering how long has this "Jani will be doing nothing" thing been brewing? You know, this was probably not a spur of the moment thing, but something planned over a period of time. Jani probably let this be known last year, and it has probably upset a good many people. I do not know who was confirmed first, but I believe that it was Sonata, as Glenn mentioned that the whole event was going to center around "Nightwish's triumphant return". That said. Could it be that Nightwish turned down Glenn due to "Scheduling conflicts" out of Tuomas' respect for Toni Kakko? This way they could buy Sonata time to talk sense into Jani Liimatainen instead of embarrasing Toni and the rest of Sonata Arctica of what was really going on in the SA camp? I mean, if Nightwish and Sonata was on the same bill, and the Jani thing was not resolved, and Jani showed up, I can guarantee that there would have been a problem between Jani and Nightwish. I mean, Nightwish arrives only one week AFTER PPUSA. So, could Jani's decision to do nothing in regards to his Civic Duties cause such an uproar that Nightwish would have refused to go on the same bill? Or that SA would be up in arms?

It very well could be.

Ray C.
Heh. I think you are reading WAY too much into the situation.

Also, I doubt this means Jani is on his way out. Band members get upset or disappointed in each other all the time. I'd actually think that the fact that Tony is willing to candidly discuss that the band is upset with Jani is a sign he isn't close to being kicked out. Most of the time when there's a problem that would lead to someone getting fired or quitting they keep it on the down low and then we get a surprise announcement.