Nucleus Torn - Nihil


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Nucleus Torn – Nihil
Prophecy Productions – Pro086 – November 24th, 2006
By Jason Jordan


Nihil is definitely ambitious – the style intermingling (classical, folk, metal) and instrument list (cello, violin, flute) is enough to warrant such a description – but if Nucleus Torn make good on their promise to release the next two installments of this trilogy (Knell and Andromeda Awaiting (Parts I & II)), then I’m sure the result will be quite breathtaking. As it stands now, however, this 38-minute disc deserves a look as long as the listener doesn’t expect brilliance at this point – just tasteful, enjoyable music. Not surprising since the label also offers records from Empyrium, Tenhi, and a couple other bands mentioned below.

‘Glas Spirit’ – highlights include Maria D’Alessandro’s confident vocals as well as appearances by bagpipes and flute – effortlessly conjures a Scottish feel, not unlike the work of Todesbonden. During its beginning, ‘Traveller’s Rest’ sounds similar to a string-filled Antimatter piece, but when it gets heavier, really parallels what Winds have done in the past, which is partially attributable to Patrick Schaad’s clean vocals not being a far cry from those of Lars Eric Si’s. While ‘Night’s Grace’ is nothing more than an instrumental piano interlude, follower ‘Summer Bled’ is radically different and sets itself apart by incorporating a number of Frantic Bleepisms. Another notable track is the closer ‘Peregrina Sublime,’ which takes the distortion to a whole new level yet eventually provides room for softer instrumentation a la ‘Traveller’s Rest.’

With seven contributors and over three years in the making, a lot of work went into Nihil and it shows, even if it merely hints at genius rather than realizes it.

Official Nucleus Torn Website
Official Prophecy Productions Website