Official ProgPower USA Initerview FUTURES END Interview Just Posted!


Just a Kid at Heart
Good Evening!

I just posted Greg's awesome interview with Futures End guitarists Marc Pattison and Christian David Wentz.

This was a fun interview to read and it sounded like all three of the guys had a great time chatting together.


You know the drill. If you'd like to eavesdrop on General Zod's conversation with Futures End, visit the Official PPUSA X interview site, The Art of Prog.

Well, done, Greg!



That was a great read guys. Great job Greg! See you boys soon : )
Excellent interview Greg, I'm looking forward to seeing these guys even more now!
Thanks guys.

For those who pass on these online interviews, in favor of reading the entire interview in the program, please note... this is the entire interview and it will not be in the program.
