One Man, One Guitar and a iPod

reminds me of my buddy Shawn Whittaker's one-man-band, Insidious Decrepancy... not the music exactly, just the way of performing without a band. Shawn uses an Alesis HR-16 rather than an iPod.
Hey. You do what you gotta do. I've seen a lot of "bands" do this. I live in BFE Nebraska, and like minded musicians are hard to find. We actually did the same kind of thing with our keyboard parts, (playing to the click on that thing SUCKED!!!).

Yea, you may lose a lot of power without a full band, but tell that to Buckethead:headbang:
reminds me of my buddy Shawn Whittaker's one-man-band, Insidious Decrepancy... not the music exactly, just the way of performing without a band. Shawn uses an Alesis HR-16 rather than an iPod.

Yeah, I emailed back and forth with Shawn a few times while I was finding out more info on playing alone. Also Shaun from Putrid Pile does the same thing and he uses a MiniDisk. The iPod works for me.
Hey. You do what you gotta do. I've seen a lot of "bands" do this. I live in BFE Nebraska, and like minded musicians are hard to find. We actually did the same kind of thing with our keyboard parts, (playing to the click on that thing SUCKED!!!).

Yea, you may lose a lot of power without a full band, but tell that to Buckethead:headbang:

The main reason I started doing it alone was that I could not find other people wanting to play Death Metal. I programed all the drums on my CD and did the whole CD myself, after that I thought I would EQ the drum tracks a bit differently for live shows and it has working out great.

Everyone says it sounds great live, I can't tell much as I can only hear the monitors on stage but from the video I have it sounds good for just me and my iPod. Also, I am just having fun and playing music, that is what it's about.

And you reaaaally need to play with the velocity on those drums. Way too 'machine gun,' especially on the blasts.

Yes, the blast beaats sound very un-human and machine gun like but everyone knows it is not a drummer and having different velocity for live drums I don't think will make much of a difference to people that are on ther 5th or 6th beer and are just having fun.

I think you need to have balls to play shows like that!

So, thumbs up :headbang:

Thanks a lot man. A lot of people have been saying that...LOL I am nervous but once I get the drum tracks loud enough in the monitors I am ready and have no problems. As long as the club has good monitors I am all set, crapy or no monitors I might as well just go home...LOL

What? No guitar solo? :lol:
Seriously though, I agree, you do have to have balls to do that live. And you seem to do it well. I love that chorus and your voice! :headbang:
It reminds me of Death's Scream Bloody Gore era.

I'm off to check out your others vids now. :kickass:
What? No guitar solo? :lol:
Seriously though, I agree, you do have to have balls to do that live. And you seem to do it well. I love that chorus and your voice! :headbang:
It reminds me of Death's Scream Bloody Gore era.

I'm off to check out your others vids now. :kickass:

LOL....nope, no guitar solo....LOL

Thanks for th ekiller words dude. I am trying my best and having fun. I LOVE old school death metal so having you say that my stuff sounds anything like early Death is insane!!! Thanks!!!
