Orange RV50, Tama Starclassic, mix for my bands demo, needs help


New Metal Member
Feb 3, 2010
So I am currently recording tracks for my bands demo using the following equipment -

Guitars - Ibanez RG> Metal Muff> Orange RV50> SM57

Bass - LTD> Direct, 1 track high distorted, and 1 low-end

Drums - Tama Starclassic>2 Superlux condensors for overheads
1 SM57 on Snare, top.
1 Shure Beta 52A for kick
1 SM57 for the two hi toms
1 SM57 for floor tom
> then all drum tracks went into a Yamaha MG16 Mixer, then into a Lexicon Lambda interface. Interface only has 2 inputs for stereo mix on drums.

I went through and found every kick transient, and with a new track, blended a kick sample to bring it up in the mix a bit better.

I could use some input and advice for this mix!

Below is an opener track with no vocals. Thanks in advance!

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Okay made some changes to the mix. Let me know if anything should be added or changed. Thanks

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Okay here is the second song I've been working on. This one has vocals added. It's all real drums this time, no sample replacement, although I feel it may need the kick replaced. I could really use some input on this, thanks!

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Hey man not too shabby! I would work on maybe lowering or at least "un-brightening" the overheads, sample the snare and toms, and EQ that guitar tone a bit more. The guitar tone sounds good, but I think you could get it to sit in the mix a bit better.
This mix actually has some really cool character to it, well done man.

Im only listening on laptop speakers, I'll check it when I'm home
Thanks dudes! I was going for a rawish death metal feel to it. Thanks for those suggestions. I'll focus on making those changes to guitars and oh's and repost!
okay, here is a song the band is actually happy with - I think it sounds alright, but I'd like some more opinions on how it could be better, thanks!
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Also, I switched to using a pair of AT4040s for the over heads this time for a more natural sound, blended a bit of sample to the snare and replaced the kicks.