Padkontrol for drum programming


Jun 3, 2005
Hi guys

I'm considering on bying this controller, i read in a forum around that you can do snare and crash rolls/swells much easier with that XY surface. I'm really stuck in this area of my programming and can't do those complex fills and i think this controller could help me... anyone have tried it with DFH?

oh... if you know how to programm good fills and rolls i'm opened for tips :lol:

i recently bought a akai mpd 24, wich is basically a akai mpc midi controller like the pad controll unit.

i'm waiting for a new pc to arrive, if its here i can tell you more about programming drums with these things. my computer is to slow to interact with dfh at the moment...

but for me as someone who can play drums i think it will be half programming half playing the mpd, but cant tell you exactly right now :)
I have it too, but I have yet to do any programming yet. I bought it because it came with a "light" version of DFHS, so I figured it was DFHS friendly. I also have the full version of DFHS. I have no tips though. I'm so midi ignorant, I still use my SR16.:lol: I just seem to get pissed off every time I see that fucking midi track.:lol:
so you guys who have it, is that XY surface good for snare rolls or for any other kind of thing in programming drums?

well, you experienced guys... could you tell me some tips to program complex drum fills? im really having a hard time...

I have a m-audio axiom25 and it has pads but they are kind of rubish though i prefer that instead of keys, i just think pads are better to program drums
I have an Axiom 49 with the 8 drum pads. For complex fills (along with beats) I've noticed it helps to assign the snare to two different pads to simulate left/right hand (finger) hits. Same with kicks for double-kick beats and fills. I tend to get the track to 80% of what I want via the Axiom and then finish it off with the mouse by adjusting positions and velocities, and adding extra hits on faster fills.

It's a painstaking and time consuming process to produce "musical" programmed beats, but I love it. I worked on various electronica projects for years and was always the designated "beat" guy.
nice sparky, i have done that too, triggered snare and kick to the pads, that's working, the problem are the goddamm fills, complex ones... heh
sparky i have a question for you
can u confirm if the usb port of the axiom series is usb 1.1?
do u run it thru usb or midi cable, i can't get it working without a little bit latency. My card is running audio with loads of plugins at 2ms latency with no problems and i can't run the axiom in real-time without a little bit latency, that's almost doing me to send it back to the store and get another thing! :erk:
I wouldn't be surprised if it is USB 1.1 as midi doesn't require a lot of bandwidth. I've never checked to be honest.

Mine works with both USB or Midi cables without any latency issues. At a guess, it may be the USB bus causing the problem if there's other USB peripherals using it. I had some initial problems with my DAW using Delay Compensation which was over-compensating for latency, but I just turn that off and it's fine.

Latency issues are very common with midi keyboards and trigger pads and it seems that the problems are usually related to the configuration of the unit or in the DAW being used. I doubt it's the Axiom itself....maybe worth contacting M-Audio Tech Support before you ditch the unit.

Good luck! :D
yeah man, it's usb 1.1 it's on the manual. I turn the delay compensation on and it's working now, strange is that wasnt working before, well...

thx man