Peak Time Productions


Dec 14, 2003
Brookfield, VIC, Australia
Hi everybody!

Since we know that the current and upcoming albums have been recorded by Sammy, I thought it might be cool to discuss the studio abit.

We've seen a dimly lit control room in the album snippet, and it's looking pretty pro- what else makes up the studio (vocals booths, 1, 2, 3 live rooms, etc)?

Also, whats the main rig that's used to record (DAW, desk, pre's, outboard, etc)?

I might have some drums that need recording later in the year, so I'd love to know abit more.

Thanks we go! (takes a deep breath)

"9 elements of inner vision" (recorded by Endel Rivers mixed and mastered by Andy LaRocque)
"A world full of grey" (recorded by yours truly at my project studio, except main vocals which were recorded by my good friend Michael at Shred Studios, mastered at Crystal mastering in Melbourne)
Current album in progress, (recorded again by yours truly except main vocals again recorded at shred studios by Michael, will be mixed and mastered by Tommy Hansen in Europe).

The clip currently on our eyechannel shows shred studios (Michaels studio).

I dont have a dedicated vocal booth at this stage (but will next year) and although I have recorded vocals here many times by setting up a temporary booth it is much easier to have Danny go to Michaels studio because this means we can work on vocals and instruments at the same time by utilizing the 2 workspaces at once. Also, Michael has a head start on me when it comes to collecting very botique items so this was another advantage.

From memory the vocal chain is: Nuemann tlm49 into neve 1073 preamp, into 1176 into la2a. Both Michael and myself use apogee converters which we love. and we are using steinbergs Nuendo recording software.

guitars: digitech preamp (cons special gain plus more gain setting) into hughes and kettner amp, into engl 2 X 12 cab with V30's, mic'd with sm57, into focusrite ISA428 preamp into apogee's into computer. We may be using another amp for the next set of gtr tracks but this isnt confirmed. We are also doing a bit of reamping on this album.

My advice on drums is this: unless you have a very very very very very very very very very good sounding room to record real drums in, stick to samples, either get the drummer to play enitirely on an electronic kit, or play a real kit to capture the hats and cymbals then resample the rest later. If you're good with your programming you should be able to do a good job, having a good selection of samples and knowing your sampler well helps! On this album we are using a combination of the above mentioned techniques.

Bass will be D.I only. no amp, most likely into my avalon straight into converters. Does the job.

oh yeah, and both studios are running pc's.

Again, I cant stress the drum room situation.

well for now thats all I can think of, I'll post more as we go along, and we'll be putiing up more footage and photo's as we go!


Haha, thanks for the insight Sammy.
I will consider the programmed drums route above- abit of background:
I play in a Slavic folk band and we are considering an album later this year (though I think it will be more like mid next year). We are able to record pretty much everythnig at my place except drums. I've done recording at home before and the results are "good enough" for what we're going for especially since the keys, bass and even alot of the guitars (can be) direct. For any guitar parts that I don't want to do direct, I can mic up, as in the past and I know what results to expect.
Our peers in Europe all have the same issue tha we are facing and so use programmed drums as you have suggested. The only thing that poses a problem there is that 5 of us in the band also have a love for rock (ranging from pub rock to Yugoslav prog/pop rock- circa 1970's) hence there is a tendancy to want to record the kit, especially from the vocalist and drummer.
If it was to be done in a studio, I think our material is such that we would only need about two days (would be doable in one, but two could make it abit more relaxed and give us enough time to get it 99% haha).

So is Peak Time equiped for such a session?
I can do live drums if i want, I have used my garage before with good results but I refuse to as I am now chasing a better sound than what it can give me, so I'd rather stick to samples.

However, call Hydes and have a chat to Michael, he may be able to help you out.
Sure is !!!

Haha, nice. I spoke to him a little while he was setting up a new guitar. I had a feeling there was a connection there, somehow :p

I can do live drums if i want, I have used my garage before with good results but I refuse to as I am now chasing a better sound than what it can give me, so I'd rather stick to samples.

However, call Hydes and have a chat to Michael, he may be able to help you out.

Thanks Sammy. Just trying to get some studios in my mind so we can start working on a budget.