Pickup question


New Metal Member
May 26, 2008
Chris or anyone in the forum,

What pickups does Chris use? I know that Bare Knuckle are the brand but what pickups exactly since Bare Knuckes has a selection.

Thanks and hope you can help.

I asked chris this months ago....

Im wondering how you feel about them. I am looking for some new pups for my 7 string and I am trying to avoid the active route.

Im looking for a high output bridge and a cleaner neck. i was thinking the miracle man in the bridge.

Which set are you using and what do you recommend?


Chris shot me back an email ... i dont remember exactly what he said but I went with the Miracle Man in the neck and bridge position and i am VERY pleased with the sound. They are Hot but they still retain the tone of the guitar. I can hear the wood. I think they may even be higher output then the EMG's in my Les Paul.
Ok after weeks of looking through email .... lol

Cold Sweat bridge and neck set, Nailbomb bridge/Cold Sweat neck and Cold Sweat bridge and Mule neck-all in his guitars. So the answer is various ones. In his IBZ custom it looks like a Nailbomb in the bridge and a Mule in the neck but i could be wrong.
If you are going to go with BareKnuckle pickups, you need to match them to your gutiar(woods) and to your rig.
I have a Nailbomb/coldSweat combo in my all Mahogany Carvin DC727 (maple top) and they sounds killer in that guitar
thru my peavery 6505+.
I have a Miracle Man in my ibanez 7620 bridge and that sounds killer as well, but completely different from the Nailbomb
thru my Mesa Mark III.
the Miracle Man works great in a basswood guitar.
The Coldsweat neck pickup is probably just the best all around 7 string neck pickup out on the market.