Pushing a Micro Terror


New Metal Member
Mar 27, 2013
Im new, and I am going to cut right to the chase. I am getting back into playing guitar, and picked up a Micro Terror to re-learn on. I like the amp, but am wanting a boost or TS to help push it a little more to suit my sound. I like to play thrash (80's Metallica and such), heavy metal (Lamb of God-esque), and other stuff (Tremonti/Alter Bridge).

What would be a good boost or TS to push the Micro and help me get the sounds I aiming for?

If it helps, Orange Micro Terror, Custom Avatar 2x12 Swamp Thang/Texas Heat, Schecter C1 Hellraiser Deep See Green
Listen for yourself. I think this guy is getting a great tone of his Micro Terror and a tube screamer.
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