Reamping question...


Nov 13, 2008
...regarding the basic theory behind reamping, is it a case of simply running a signal as shown below...??

Signal -->Reamp box (signal splits) --A-->Into interface via DI as clean
--B-->Into FX->Amp->Cab->Mic into interface

then allowing signal A to be sent out through an insert later if a new tone is needed...??

if this is the case, am i right in thinking that if i've recorded using revalver or guitar rig, that i in effect have tracks that can be reamped?? (so long as i follow the guidelines for prepping the tracks to be reamped)

i know i'm probably gonna get some abuse for such a n00bish question but i just wanted to clarify...
As long as you have a Di'd signal then you can re-amp. You don't have to record an amp tone or a sim or anything, all you need to record to be able to re amp later is the clean Di signal from the guitar
this reminds me, I was going to do a DI and reamp video tutorial.... But then I realized that everyone's gear/methods for doing it would differ greatly, so it would be pointless unless everyone owned and used what I used.... I may do it anyway just to give me something to do. At least that way anyone with A Firestudio, Reaper, and a Redeye will know what to do :)
awesome, thanks guys...

for the moment i've only been guitars and using a virtual amp, or going Direct from a head and using an impulse or two...

with what you guys have confirmed, i'm gonna try and use reamping at some point very soon...



ok so another n00bish question, what part is the reamp box playing in that last section?? is it a preamp???

as you can all tell i have no clue with this stuff as of yet... but i do appreciate the help...
ok so another n00bish question, what part is the reamp box playing in that last section?? is it a preamp???

as you can all tell i have no clue with this stuff as of yet... but i do appreciate the help...

It's just changing the signal to what a guitar amp likes to see. In other words, the signal that comes out of the interface is 'incorrect' for the amp, so the reamp device 'changes' it via a transformer to the correct signal for the amp.
ah i see...

so in the way it changes it, is it signal processing or is it simply shaping the sound like a standard EQ??

i know this thread seems as difficult as teaching quantum physics to a drunk, but i do appreciate it...