Reamping with POD XT Pro


Dec 7, 2008
Waterford, Ireland
Hey guys, I'm being offered a POD XT Pro pretty cheap and I cannot seem to get any definitive answers regarding reamping with the XT Pro. I am not interested in POD Farm as I'd rather use the XT Pro and keep the load light on my CPU (and I don't fancy buying more amp sim software).
I know that the POD has a direct out (dry signal) but I'd rather use my own preamp for the DI guitar. I reckon I can monitor this with an amp sim no problem.
For reamping purposes, is it then simply a matter of running the DI guitar out of my DAW and into the POD - then running the POD's processed signal back into my DAW? Anyone know if this introduces noticable latency? At the moment I am using an M-Audio FastTrack Pro and would like to make sure I can get all of this to work before I buy the POD.
Thanks in advance.
For what you are talking about you would need a reamp box

Id just stick with tracking the D.I using ampsims within your daw and impulses if i were you, I cant see the benifit of reamping through the hardware pod.

Good point, the main reason I want to do this is that I want to have as many options as possible as I won't always be tracking metal. Damn, an X-Amp will set me back a nice bit of cash on top of the POD XT Pro, at which point I'd best best off buying the X3 Pro as that also includes Pod Farm...
PodXT Pro can reamp by itself - I have used it plenty of times as a reamp box. Not ideal, but gets the job done. Also, if you have a PodXT Pro you are eligable for Podfarm for free. Even still podfarm is $99 which isn't bad either.

Thanks for the reply, can you explain how you have it all hooked up as I downloaded the XT Pro manual and it seemed pretty vague. I'd essentially like to use it as a 'hardware' ampsim, looping the DI guitars in my DAW and playing with the settings on the POD until I achieve something I like.
Oh and I checked, I'd have to pay $50 for Pod Farm (reduced rate - but the platinum version is still full price - $200+).
You basically just change a setting so that anything you run through the pod will go through the amps. you can do it with the bean xt too. yeah just checked my emails podfarm is free for x3 series.

Cool, thanks for the info dude. I think I'll get the POD so! I'll give it a shot and if I've any probs, I'll be sure to wreck your head! :lol: