Saturday Aug 18, Jarrod's Place, Attleboro MA


Key Master
Jan 2, 2003
In a victory for live music, Jarrod's Place in Attleboro MA has given up on their hip hop saturday nights and turned it back into a live rock night! Infinity Minus One will be bringing the music back to Jarrod's Saturday August 28th. Show starts at 9, Infinity Minus One takes the stage around 10. It's an 18+ show, $7 cover. And don't forget to catch Infinity Minus One back at The Compound in Fitchburg MA on August 30th. This will be a special show with a surprise or two thrown in!
In all fairness, Jarrod's was trying it's best to remain profitable in order to support local music. I give him credit for at least trying something that was open minded, I mean he could have had 70's disco night! It seems that they had a lot of trouble with scheduling bands and no one showing up at the last minute. No bands=No Attendance. When we played on 8/1, 3 bands canceled on him t the last minute.

I would love to show the venue that it's a great idea and that they are making the right decision. If you are free that night, come see us! Take your friends! Trick them into going! Tell them that that your going to see a movie and take them to Jarrod's instead! We make a great first date! C'mon, they serve Stuffies for crying out loud!

If you do come, don't forget to drink! :kickass: They have a great bar!