Strapping Young Lad - SYL


Heat in 7
Apr 17, 2001
Southern California
Century Media - 2003

By Rodrigo Escandon


Frankly I had gotten to the point that a new Strapping Young Lad album was just not going to happen. Devin Townsend seemed content with his excellent solo efforts, especially Terria, and Strapping Young Lad which required a certain fire, an anger and a catalyst to get the creative juices flowing was looking more and more like something from the past. But spawned by the events of 9/11 in New York, Devin got the necessary spark to unleash another Strapping Young Lad album to the masses. Simply titled SYL, Devin and his City line-up of Jed Simon (guitars), Byron Stoud (bass) and Gene Hoglan (drums) have come up with another chaotic and extreme metal album that encompasses so many genres that is not easily classifiable. But that is exactly the nature of this band, to have so much going on, to have so many extremes united into one piece, basically to have chaos as only Devin would like it.

SYL moves with speed and unrelenting aggression from beginning to end. There is no chance to breathe, to take it all in. No, the journey must be done in its entirety or the full effect wont be truly enjoyed. It's no surprise then that the first song "Dire" (a one-minute instrumental) segues perfectly into "Consequence". With howling and aggressive vocals set to the back drop of industrial-like rhythms, a thrash backbone and plenty of black and death metal riffs, you quickly realize that SYL is a sledgehammer directed right at your head.

No song is more evident of that statement than the crushing and head-banging inducing "Rape Song" which just might be one of the heaviest Strapping Young Lad songs. "Devour" is certainly one of their thrashiest songs right up to the singing where Devin sounds just like Schmier of Destruction. "Aftermath" builds slowly right up until Devin's voice comes in and the pace of the song is slower than the rest during the verses but speeds up to the relentless fast pace. "Force Fed" is just as aggressive as the rest of the album (you have to love the lyric line "Animal, you're an animal, you're a goddamn fucking animal") but it also features Devin singing the chorus with a more melodic voice. "Dirt Pride" follows right after and it is another pure slab of unrelenting aggression much like "Rape Song" and I have to fess up, you do get a chance to breathe from all the chaos that is going on and it is for about the first couple of minutes of "Bring on the Young". But if you have gone this far into SYL just suck it up and finish it right to the end. You have been warned.

Century Media Website
Strapping Young Lad Official Website