trouble with leads!


May 3, 2004
I've been avoiding lead parts a lot, but a song im recording has a lead solo in it and i just cant get it to sit in the mix right. What kind of process do you guys go through to mix leads? Im having some issues with deciding where to place them/eq them.

I have four rhythm tracks right now, 100l 75l 75r 100r with each side playing the same thing. One of my main problems is the volume increase when the leads kick in, would it be better to lower the master rhythm track during leads or maybe mute the two inner tracks to counter the volume problem?

also, how should lead tones differ from rhythm tones? ive currently just been raising the gain and treble, but what works for you all?

Noumenon said:
I usually add alot more mids to the lead parts. and HP them pretty high up. Think of them as vocals, give them the same reverb/delays/comp/etc...

Yeah, this is pretty much, the way to go. Put the mids in and put it down the center. With your other tracks panned, it should stick out without sacrificing the gain of the other tracks. Try doubling or tripling your leads and harmonizing too. That will really bring em out!:kickass:
I would lower the rhythm tracks a bit if the lead doesn't fit, put some reverb or delay to make them stand out more from the rest. And as said before you can filter out lots of the low frequencies, it will maybe sound thin by itself but sound perfect in the mix.