What headphones do you use for outdoor use?

Creative EP-630

Decent sound, ok isolation and fit.
I've decided on these


Thanks to P-E for the heads up on them, they look sweet, and judging from reviews sound great.

:hotjump: they come either tommorow or wedensday, can't wait
OH MY GOOD I CAN'T STAND HEADPHONES! They have such a bad sound, I can't take it, I need top quality sound because I'm an audio guy so what do I do? I bring my own fucking power supply, strap it onto my back and strap a table to my stomach. I place my finest studio monitors on it and walk around like that! It's the only way, anything else is totally inferior!

Oh wait I don't own any monitors... L - O - L.

Hey I just remembered I never listen to music outdoors... bah, why did I post. :) Well I do own Koss Sporta Pro and I think they work very well! I think size/comfort is greater than all the other factors. Yeah seriously!