Which amp would you couple with a 5150 in a 2-amp rig?

for my personal likes-either Vox AC30
we got a really, really old one (like one of the first 50-100 pieces sold in Germany) in great condition
at our old rehearsal place, awesome amp! The Fender super sonic is nice because you can get a nice
Fender clean sound out of it and a cool crunch.

Do you want a head or a combo?
Especially for clean and crunch stuff, I am actually more into combos, if you want a head, I would go
for the following amps:
-Suhr Badger 18 (expensive little thing, but sound is pure sex)
-Fender Supersonic (depends a bit on the cab, due to that I like the combo more)
-Koch Studiotone

Just saw that there's a new Bad Cat amp out there, named Cougar 50, if it sounds just a bit like the
real ones, it should be nice, too, not sure if that's going to happen because it's just about 600€.

If you're into combos, I would suggest to try the following ones:
-Vox AC30 (just a great classic sound)
-Fender Super Sonic (nice Fender cleans and you can get a nice rock crunch out of it)
-Laney Lionheart (really digging it for bluesrock stuff)

a friend of mine loves his Laney VC30, he even plays heavier stuff with it from time to time with a
custom boost his dad built, not the biggest fan of his crunch sound, it's nice, but not my cup of
tea, clean is great.

P.S.: Just mentioned amps that are especially made for clean and crunch, not sure if you want an amp
that can sound heavy, too-then:
EVH 5150 III, Marshall JVM, Engl Blackmore (I dig it's crunch alot), Framus Dragon is pretty nice, too.
a roadster/roadking(/maybe even the new rectos?) could be cool but i know a lot of people here dislike the rectos. but +1 to what StefTD said.
(havent tried the 5153 but heard a lot of people echo what Lasse said). But i think its a bit hard to tell cause i find a huge difference between crunchy tones. We always tend to speak about heavy tones and how they differ, but crunchy ones do a lot i think as well.
damn, forgot Cornford and the Peavey Classic, the Cornford MK50 is a great amp, just a bit to expensive for my taste,
Roadhouse is nice (even Ola did a video with it :D ) the Peavey Classic, just a nice little workhorse, works for almost
every style (besides extreme metal) and can be found pretty cheap.
Engl Invader! (Had to mess with you Lasse) haha I love this amp, and I gave it kind of a bad rap a while back when it first arrived, but it has grown to be my #1. The Roland Jazz Chorus is a great, classic clean amp. VOX AC30, any Fender amp I've played (Princeton, London).
Mesa Mark 5. awesome cleans to my ears.
i also reall like the cleans of the powerball :)