Wich songs has the worst and best lyrics?


Oct 25, 2007
the netherlands
Wich In flames has songs has the best and worst lyrics?

Best = behind space, pretty moving lyrics in my opinion;

''Intensity - I feel the lava rushing through my veins
Stars are reforming - to enter the fourth dimension''

Worst = Disconnected , I feel like sh..shhh..SHIT! :erk: :rolleyes:
Misspelled thread title = bad sign
I really like Artifacts Of The Black Rain, Lunar Strain, and a bunch of others.
Worst? Most of their lyrics are pretty good. Probably some of the crap on R2R.
The songs with my favourite lyrics in are probably: Graveland, The Jester Race, Jotun, Embody the Invisible, Ordinary Story, Colony, Zombie Inc., ...As The Future Repeats Today, Square Nothing, Satellites and Astronauts and Minus.

The worst? Step forward STYE, Come Clarity and ASOP.

Everything from 1994 - 2000 was really good shit, especially Colony and Clayman, which both feature fucking amazing lyrics.

R2R begins the downfall, although some of the lyrics are alright. STYE, apart from maybe F(r)iend, is absolutely awful in terms of lyrics, and that trend is continued throughout CC and ASOP. It's hard to believe the same man who wrote the lyrics on Clayman also did the last three albums :(
The songs with my favourite lyrics in are probably: Graveland, The Jester Race, Jotun, Embody the Invisible, Ordinary Story, Colony, Zombie Inc., ...As The Future Repeats Today, Square Nothing, Satellites and Astronauts and Minus.

The worst? Step forward STYE, Come Clarity and ASOP.

Everything from 1994 - 2000 was really good shit, especially Colony and Clayman, which both feature fucking amazing lyrics.

R2R begins the downfall, although some of the lyrics are alright. STYE, apart from maybe F(r)iend, is absolutely awful in terms of lyrics, and that trend is continued throughout CC and ASOP. It's hard to believe the same man who wrote the lyrics on Clayman also did the last three albums :(

Anders is getting lazy i guess. :rolleyes:
I don't think its Anders being lazy as such, I think it's just an attempt to reach out to a younger audience. They're the kind of lyrics teenagers would dig because they're more about the "I", whereas the older lyrics are mostly about the collective. As I said in a previous thread, Anders lyrics are strange in that he seems to have dematured as a lyricist since the beginning.

Btw Colin, not sure "swim" is the best song to quote for lyrics... it's cool but the grammar makes an english student like myself weep :p most of the shit from TJR - Colony is better in terms of grammar, I think Clayman was Anders' first attempt at writing lyrics completely solo and it shows a little in spelling and grammar. The fact that both the spelling/grammar is generally poor and yet the lyrics are still fantastic is a tribute to how awesome they are conceptually.
I don't think its Anders being lazy as such, I think it's just an attempt to reach out to a younger audience. They're the kind of lyrics teenagers would dig because they're more about the "I", whereas the older lyrics are mostly about the collective. As I said in a previous thread, Anders lyrics are strange in that he seems to have dematured as a lyricist since the beginning.

Btw Colin, not sure "swim" is the best song to quote for lyrics... it's cool but the grammar makes an english student like myself weep :p most of the shit from TJR - Colony is better in terms of grammar, I think Clayman was Anders' first attempt at writing lyrics completely solo and it shows a little in spelling and grammar. The fact that both the spelling/grammar is generally poor and yet the lyrics are still fantastic is a tribute to how awesome they are conceptually.

Pretty much telling how it is, good work dude.
I don't think its Anders being lazy as such, I think it's just an attempt to reach out to a younger audience. They're the kind of lyrics teenagers would dig because they're more about the "I", whereas the older lyrics are mostly about the collective. As I said in a previous thread, Anders lyrics are strange in that he seems to have dematured as a lyricist since the beginning.

Btw Colin, not sure "swim" is the best song to quote for lyrics... it's cool but the grammar makes an english student like myself weep :p most of the shit from TJR - Colony is better in terms of grammar, I think Clayman was Anders' first attempt at writing lyrics completely solo and it shows a little in spelling and grammar. The fact that both the spelling/grammar is generally poor and yet the lyrics are still fantastic is a tribute to how awesome they are conceptually.

My point was to show how Anders thought about going numb 8 years ago, it was some kind of boring joke. :erk:

but yeah, the new lyrics are pretty pathetic and MUCH more easier to understand, Colony and Clayman had atleast some good lyrics about personal struggles while Cc and Asop just fail.
Yeah I like some of the personal shit Anders dished out on Clayman. Like I said before, Clayman is a really really really good example for having some emotional personal lyrics but keeping it metal.

Best lyrics is shit like Satellites and Astronauts.
A lot of clayman songs are great.

WeAreInFlames is dumb. Reroute had some good lyrics. Some songs not so good, others are great.
Colony had some pretty fuckin awesome lyrics too. Anything below STYE is good.

Worst song is probably Scream. Ice cream you ice cream but no one hears the ice cream truck! I saw a video of Anders messing up on the lyrics on it. Maybe because they suck so much.
Yeah I like some of the personal shit Anders dished out on Clayman. Like I said before, Clayman is a really really really good example for having some emotional personal lyrics but keeping it metal.

Best lyrics is shit like Satellites and Astronauts.
A lot of clayman songs are great.

WeAreInFlames is dumb. Reroute had some good lyrics. Some songs not so good, others are great.
Colony had some pretty fuckin awesome lyrics too. Anything below STYE is good.

Worst song is probably Scream. Ice cream you ice cream but no one hears the ice cream truck! I saw a video of Anders messing up on the lyrics on it. Maybe because they suck so much.

Haha, maybe Anders wanted to scream ''Ice scream you ice cream!'' but then realised that those lyrics weren't correct. :lol:
worst: Delight and Angers.

I mean... come on: "please heeeaaaaal meeeeeeee, I caaaan't sleeeeep"
what is this? In Flames or any generic student-emocore-band?

Best: probably something form whoracle. Jotun, Food For The Gods...
I loathe the whoracle lyrics, the album that is.
Pathetic, just difficult words scribbled together to form a sentence.
The best lyrics, probably the stuff on clayman and R2R, I dig those.
STYE/CC lyrics are allright, the ASOP lyrics are mostly boring and poorly written though.
The Mirror's Truth is really good, lyric-wise, while songs like "Sober and Irrelevant" and "Drenched in Fear" have the worst In Flames lyrics these last years.
I like the Whoracle lyrics. You actually have to decipher them, rather than know exactly what they mean just by glancing at them.

"Buds abloom in all directions
from which events occur
relations and virused meetings
catch fire and explode
In the margin of butterfly wings
entire cycles of evolution
outplayed and faded
sparked away and leaned back into
vacuum-filled nirvana"


"Please heal me, I can't sleep
Thought I was unbreakable, but this is killing me
Call me, everything, make me feel unbreakable,
Lie and set me free"

Pft. No contest. (And 'Worlds Within the Margin' has a definite meaning... to do with the butterfly effect, pretty cool stuff and interesting lyrics to compliment such an idea).

Saying that, the lyrics off TJR are superior to Whoracle... whilst Whoracle makes sense if you really look at it closely, it's clear N'Flamez have used words for the sake of it, to look smart, when it's not needed. TJR is better in that respect, the lyrics are very cool, more poetic than Whoracle.
Well, yeah, the lyrics to some of the new tracks are horrible, but some of them are great, for example, the lyrics to The Mirror's Truth are great, and the ones to Tilt, I agree however, that most of the new lyrics are un-inspired and overall quite crappy.

My hatred towards the Whoracle lyrics lies in exactly what you say, smart words being overused. I love the concept however, especially the meaning behind stuff like "morphing into primal". I just get so frustrated by tracks named like "jester script transfigured", it just sounds stupid.
My favourite lyrics are those of Clayman and Reroute to Remain, some examples:

"The thoughts of yesterday forgotten
I like the way this new skin feels
Bring me splinters of tomorrow
Collect the parts where I win" - Dawn of a New Day

A mass illusion
Blind men in a line
They smother their fires with gasoline

A stranger's contribution
Everybody's on the run
No clue where they are heading

A spineless attempt
Have we lost it completely?
It always ends up in a mess - Egonomic

Your self control, makes me feel alone.
I've tried confidence, had it for breakfast today.
I've lost the perfection, a mess without words.
And as the seasons change I'll continue to ignore...
The image I project is me without me,
The picture that I scanned is borrowed - Clayman

This era (clayman-R2R) clearly possess Anders finest lyrics IMO. They're not overly simplistic, still alot of metaphors, they require some deciphering, yet still they make sense if you just look into them for some time. They're not "please heal me", yet they're not "My shot is genesis and catharsis. Penetratonaut in a cosmology of lust". It's a best off, it's pure win.
I agree that Clayman is the peak of Anders lyrical abilities. Not so sure about R2R, it's still good but I think the beginning of a downward trend. I'd say Colony/Clayman if I was going to name their great lyrical era(I'm aware Sundin still helped Anders with lyrics around the time of Colony, but I believe it was mostly Anders lyrics in Swedish translated into English by Sundin).
Well, yeah, the lyrics to some of the new tracks are horrible, but some of them are great, for example, the lyrics to The Mirror's Truth are great, and the ones to Tilt, I agree however, that most of the new lyrics are un-inspired and overall quite crappy.

My hatred towards the Whoracle lyrics lies in exactly what you say, smart words being overused. I love the concept however, especially the meaning behind stuff like "morphing into primal". I just get so frustrated by tracks named like "jester script transfigured", it just sounds stupid.
My favourite lyrics are those of Clayman and Reroute to Remain, some examples:

"The thoughts of yesterday forgotten
I like the way this new skin feels
Bring me splinters of tomorrow
Collect the parts where I win" - Dawn of a New Day

A mass illusion
Blind men in a line
They smother their fires with gasoline

A stranger's contribution
Everybody's on the run
No clue where they are heading

A spineless attempt
Have we lost it completely?
It always ends up in a mess - Egonomic

Your self control, makes me feel alone.
I've tried confidence, had it for breakfast today.
I've lost the perfection, a mess without words.
And as the seasons change I'll continue to ignore...
The image I project is me without me,
The picture that I scanned is borrowed - Clayman

This era (clayman-R2R) clearly possess Anders finest lyrics IMO. They're not overly simplistic, still alot of metaphors, they require some deciphering, yet still they make sense if you just look into them for some time. They're not "please heal me", yet they're not "My shot is genesis and catharsis. Penetratonaut in a cosmology of lust". It's a best off, it's pure win.

You fucking win.
He didn't, but it doesn't matter, as the discussion is on the song lyrics rather than the author ;) and yes, Sundin is an awesome lyricist.