
Dec 19, 2006
Santiago de Compostela
Hello !!

A good friend of mine has a studio oriented to metal music and want to do an update of equipment. This demanding budgets and recommendations to improve the equipment. He wanted to know your views on this:

- Digidesign HD C24 Protools Studiobundle

Also looking for the best mic pre for recording drums, vocals and guitars.

Has in mind Neve 1073 and API 512C but not leave the door closed to other possible recommendations.

For record metal drums You know some recommended pre or you believe that the pre of the Digidesign HD C24 would be enough?

In the plugin world he is looking for the WAVES (mercury bundle) or the UAD-2 Quad OMNI pack. Here we need advice because they are distinct concepts, need your opinions !!.

We also draw little attention the GF-X-RACK DYNAMICS Steven Slate and the two new plugins to be released.


I hope your impressions and recommendations.

Thanks in advance

Don't bother with the C24 man, pre's suck and generally its £6000 wasted. Grab a Command 8 instead and spend the remaining £5000+ on nice pre's, mics acoustic treatment, guitar amps, a good drumkit, whatever.
Don't bother with the C24 man, pre's suck and generally its £6000 wasted. Grab a Command 8 instead and spend the remaining £5000+ on nice pre's, mics acoustic treatment, guitar amps, a good drumkit, whatever.

Or buy an Apogee or Aurora AD with the protools card addon.
For pres check out the launchboxes with different moduls.

Neve, Chandler, Api, ....are all top of the class preamps.

The only great thing about waves mercury is that you get every waves plugin + (with doing WUP every year) you get all new plugins too!!!!!!!!

UAD is no option IMO. The plugins are great, too , but the card-princip sucks big time IMHO

Do you realy need protools HD?
Protools LE or a Logic based system would do the same job!!!

What are your friend currently use?

the spider should be one of the best multi channel pres around, but seriously, your friend must be swimming in money right? isn't just the waves mercury tdm like 10k?
i'm just wondering, with that kind of money to spend, one would assume that he knows what he needs?
with that kind of money to spend, one would assume that he knows what he needs?

+ one million

If you're about to drop £25,000 on studio gear you should know what you want, not asking on a forum. Hell if I had that kind of cash to spend I would be researching my ass off, listening to clips and renting gear out to try it first.

But as always, the rich fucks get all the amazing studio gear, and probably barely know how to use it. Thinking they can buy their way into the industry without putting in the work of actually learning. "Dood, get some API's and Pro Tools HD and you will sound pro!"

While on the other side of the fence there are people with shitloads of talent, making great sounding records on setups that probably total way less than £3K all over this forum.

Apologies for the rant.