The pics thread

He was talking about his own age, not mine.

Being egotistical must be why I not only do lucrative government contract work, but also the reason why I value my own health enough to stay active and not be a fat fuck.

How cute that you're jumping on the bandwagon too. I thought being egotistical meant you were a leader and not a follower?
You look so weird for some of the viciousness you've displayed before. You actually look like someone who helps old ladies cross the street.
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You look so weird for some of the viciousness you've displayed before. You actually look like someone who helps old ladies cross the street.

It's all in fun really. I'm probably closer to your assessment irl. I actually love @The Ozzman

And you have blowjob lips.

A bit of a curse really. I buy more chapstick and burts bees shit than any man should have to.
I'm jealous of you both. I have the tiniest lips ever. Actually I don't even have lips. Very sad.

I'm gonna be spamming the boards a lot today with mindless drivel. It's my last day on the job and there is literally almost nothing I'm allowed to do.