Recent content by 80s AL

  1. 80s AL

    "I will walk... with my hands bound"

    A buddy of mine from Pittsburgh that I have not seen in about 12 years plays bass in this band. These guys are supposed to be real good. I am looking forward to seein him/them. They are in Marietta on Jan 30th if anyone is interested...
  2. 80s AL

    "Hellish Rock World Tour" Invades ProgPower USA"

    woohoo got my 2....It's On!!!:heh::heh:
  3. 80s AL

    "Hellish Rock World Tour" Invades ProgPower USA"

    At least I know it ain't just me:erk:
  4. 80s AL

    Circle II Circle - Feb 2nd - Exclusive Atlanta Show!

    If someone gets in a pinch...I have one extra ticket (I bought 4) Let me know!!!! 80's AL
  5. 80s AL

    Circle II Circle - Feb 2nd - Exclusive Atlanta Show!

    Just ordered my tickets....woohoo!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to get out in the "REAL" world again!!! METAL being REAL!!!!:heh:
  6. 80s AL

    I'm so broke from ProgPower USA....

    I don't go into Prog without the intention of spending at least $500 for the three nights (that's AFTER the Pre-show ticket and my Gold Badge purchase:OMG:) got all year to plan and save for next year:goggly: 80's AL
  7. 80s AL


    I am going to be in Chi-town the first weekend of August, and I need a live-METAL music fix... Where do I go? Thanks....
  8. 80s AL

    Those in Austin TX..

    i was wondering why there was bat T-shirts, shot glasses, etc. all over the place.... But then again, their town moto is "KEEP AUSTIN WEIRD":kickass:
  9. 80s AL

    Those in Austin TX..

    Got to go to Red Eyed Fly.....pretty cool place....cold , though....saw Dixie Witch and Brooken Teeth.....both very good!!!! The club across the Street, Room 710 was pretty good, too!! More punk/hardcore...... Bourbon Rocks had a cool cover band...... Did not get to go to The Red...
  10. 80s AL

    Those in Austin TX..

    How is RED RUM? Ever been there?
  11. 80s AL

    Those in Austin TX..

    OK.....there is something wrong if you can travel 10 hours and still be in the same State!!!!:erk: Thanks for the replies....looking forward to my road-trip:kickass: , even though it is for work !!!!!:mad:
  12. 80s AL

    Those in Austin TX..

    Fellow Prog'ers. I will be in the Austin TX area in Feb, weekend of the 16-18th. I'd love to find a place to go in the evenings....LIVE METAL preferred... And maybe hook up with a local-ProgPower brother(or sister). All help appreciated!!! ROCKON !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 80's AL
  13. 80s AL

    ProgPower USA VIII: 4th Slot bands confirmed

    about the only thing that could make this any better would be Thunderstone @ the showcase, and Jag Panzer in the final slot....:notworthy
  14. 80s AL

    ProgPower USA VIII: 4th Slot bands confirmed

    HOLY SHINTO!!!!!!!! PAGANS MIND!!!! F$%K YEAH..... now if Thunderstone could just make a return...:kickass: 80's AL Please visit!! 80's AL
  15. 80s AL

    Pagan's Mind!!!

    yeah, been spinnin thier dics alot as of late.... I VOTE YAY !!!!!