Recent content by Aethar

  1. Aethar

    Three bands on the lackluster side...

    hey, i'll take your open ticket then! no complaints from me, and i don't even know the majority of the bands.
  2. Aethar

    After Forever / Within Temptation

    hey, maybe get stratovarius with their new female singer? lol, can't wait to hear what that sounds like, mabye she'll be really good?
  3. Aethar

    Question about Atlanta Iced Earth/Evergrey show...

    haha, makes you feel safe don't it?
  4. Aethar

    Advice Needed

    yeah man, if you ever need any help trying to learn something, let met know, i'll tell you if i can otherwise i'll try to find something (or someone) that explains it pretty well. adding photoshop stuff will be cool, just don't get tempted to go overboard! always remember, content is more...
  5. Aethar

    PP warm up looting session has begun

    i went to buy any cd, then realized i couldn't even afford the gas to get to the store :yell:
  6. Aethar

    Advice Needed

    ok, i'll be as picky as possible, just to make the site better for ya! (oh, all is just my personal opinion too, by the way, which may or may not count for anything!) opening page: center the "please click here" stuff and everything below use the <center> and </center> tag around it...
  7. Aethar

    Blind Guardian

    Blind Guardian is the reason I got into the whole metal scene! I downloaded a song by accident, and well, now I own about 30 metal CD's from the past year(yeah, i know, only 30, give me a break, I'm not rolling in the money, although owning 30 cd's is prob more than a lot of ppl who just dl...
  8. Aethar

    Arguing about music

    speaking of metal prejudices, i was blasting Dante's Inferno the other day, and my mainstream loving roomate heard it, now he calls me a "devil worshipper", lol (even though I'm at the complete other end of the spectrum). Even after I explained to him the meaning behind the song/book and how it...
  9. Aethar

    It's done....

    I know a good odd-ball band, Deadbolt! haha, i wonder if those guys are stil around? pretty funny stuff if you like really stupid humor
  10. Aethar

    USA vs. Europe: Where the music & fans differ...?

    The only thing Evanescence should be allowed to open for is my backyard bongo group, and I'd still probably be the best band there!
  11. Aethar

    Ticket Prices

    ok, thanks for the info. ticketmaster sucks. oh well, i guess it beats driving to the places just to buy the tickets.
  12. Aethar

    Ticket Prices

    hey, i'm trying to scrounge up enough money in savings to pay for my ticket, about how much do they cost?
  13. Aethar

    Nightwish Concert

    I'll be at the Chicago concert too! Although I will be driving down from Green Bay, WI. Dang Chicago people get all the good shows....