Recent content by ApeScaleConflict

  1. ApeScaleConflict

    Less Than Three / Another Random Value EP & Lyric video

    Hello everyone, it's been a million years since I've posted here. Is there life left here? Even a little? :D Well, however, this forum once played an important role for me in the field of making music and I thought I'd share a little trace of my band to this corner of the internet. A million...
  2. ApeScaleConflict

    How many snare sample layers do you use in order to create the final snare?

    I used to blend a lot but nowadays i find myself going only for the one shot. I used to blend 2-3 though. I kept in mind the lows mids and the highs and built a custom one like that.
  3. ApeScaleConflict

    Orange 4x12 miking?

    I know orange changed from English celestion v30's to chinese ones in somewhere 2008, check that first. Chinese ones are more harsh and has less low end and tend to irritate much more. Even though the earlier versions are better equipped (personal opinion) i think it was still a bit like "cab in...
  4. ApeScaleConflict

    For bits and giggles, a demo song i recorded for my band Less Than Three

    Helllo, It's been like 60 years since my last post so i thought to shake some dusts and post this demo song i did for my band. I also tried first time to tweak the Superior Metal Machinery expansion, and it was a bit kinky so it was a fun try. Song is recorded with Axe fx II and...
  5. ApeScaleConflict

    Axe FX II I DZL Herbie FW 19.00 / No drive pedal / Mills 4x12 impulse / Full song

    Wow nice catch dude! They most certainly are split coil! Exactly the gnarl and how they stand out from heavier stuff is cool. Thanks for the feedback too :cool:
  6. ApeScaleConflict

    Axe FX II I DZL Herbie FW 19.00 / No drive pedal / Mills 4x12 impulse / Full song

    Recorded this demo few days ago to my band! I hope to get some feedback! It's really neat how the herbie works out fine with the rythms without drive pedal. Lead sections actually have BB pre and gain rolled back to almost zero from herbie so im bulshitting there in the topic. Let me have...
  7. ApeScaleConflict

    NGD + New Monitors day, feeling weird!

    Cheers man! Happy to hear that. Gotta work with that damn snare too! I hope i get to know my monitors quick fffs. :D
  8. ApeScaleConflict

    NGD + New Monitors day, feeling weird!

    Hey all, I could lend some ears guys! I just bought KRK VXT8's and traded one of my old six stringers to a Ibanez six28 8-string to use as a backup in gigs. Anyway, even though im liking the new monitors (especially after i had 5 years behringer truth 2030's) Im kinda new to ibanez and the...
  9. ApeScaleConflict

    The Scooped Guitars Thread

    When you boost mids before the signal goes into your cab, you're changing the color of distortion and the sound itself chances, so it's a bit different thing. Less mids from the amp and you might not have to cut the 500-600hz, but the sound might not be what you wish. Adding mid from the...
  10. ApeScaleConflict

    Mastering without killing the snare drum

    Said many ways up here, but your snare transients dominates other transients so that the compressor eats it alive more than other thingamajiggys. EDIT: im not sure if i tried to sound like Borat
  11. ApeScaleConflict

    Updated some plugins, now nothing works in Reaper

    Sorry, this doesn't belong into this thread at all, but my deep buried anguish needs to be unloaded. Installing slate stuff_is_the_most_fucking_irritating_shit____EVER____to make work. Ahhhh, much better.
  12. ApeScaleConflict

    Post your best disto bass tone 2015

    Seriously? Amplitube 3? Fuck me. That's awesome! You gotta enlight me with that one more!
  13. ApeScaleConflict

    The Scooped Guitars Thread

    so, any new pornstar suggestions? Holly Michaels has aged too much... Oh yeah, Scooped GTRS. Dig 'em, sure. What you guys said.