Recent content by Bassbait

  1. B

    Some Macabre questions

    I thought of some more questions. Thanks again for answering all of these, it's really cool to get to know all of these things. When you ended up producing these Death Metal bands (Macabre, Nile, Cannibal Corpse), did the bands approach you? Or did the label approach you? Or did it happen...
  2. B

    Some Macabre questions

    Thanks for all of the answers, and in such quick time! My own band actually does a lot of similar things. We recorded our demo with a bass drum mic and re-sampled. We did drums, rhythm guitar, bass, lead guitars, vocals. Our drummer did use a click though, so that's different. We avoided...
  3. B

    Some Macabre questions

    Since you produced Macabre's "Dahmer" and "Murder Metal" albums, I had a few questions about those two albums. First off, did you trigger/sample the bass drum on both albums? The "Murder Metal" bass drum sounds a bit more sampled than the "Dahmer" bass drum, so I'm wondering if there's a...
  4. B

    Sunken Colony - Animus (free release)

    1.Star Craft fan? Because that's a pretty awesome cover. 2.So all of the vocals are you, huh? It sounds great. To be honest, the vocals remind me of my own vocals a bit, and in another way, remind me a bit of Chris Reifert. 3.All of the instruments sound great too, especially the guitars and...
  5. B

    2012 Death to All dvd?

    It's 1:42 AM. Just got back from Death to All, and I have to say, Steve, you KILLED IT. That was easily some of the best bass work I've ever seen live (only one who compares is Buckethead), and easily one of the best shows I've ever seen live (only one who compares is again Buckethead). I wish...
  6. B

    2012 Death to All dvd?

    That would be great, especially if it were the LA one because I'm going to that. It's a bummer I might not get to meet Steve though, as you have to have the deluxe package to meet the band mates.
  7. B

    Best metal bass metal bass player...

    I'd say one bassist who has been much overlooked is "Nefarious" from Macabre. Check out some of his stuff - I just think this guy is immensely underrated as is the whole band. I love his ability to make a really catchy bass line OVER a really catchy guitar line, all while playing backdrop to...
  8. B

    Endorsement ad type A

    Looks great, although I wonder why Autopsy wasn't included on the list of bands.
  9. B

    Death To All Tour 2012!!!!!

    Bought my ticket. Steve, if you read this, I hope you get some time to hang out with some of your fans before/after the show... because I'd love to get a chance to meet you in person, and I can't afford the VIP package.
  10. B

    Steve, how'd you get buried on Human?

    Metallica, Megadeth, Death (first three albums), Atheist, Exhorder, Pantera, Iron Maiden, King Diamond, Sadus... these are all bands who released albums before Human where the bass was clearly audible. You may have written it off as standard during the time, but if you actually look at the...
  11. B

    Death To All Tour 2012!!!!!

    This is so beautiful... and it's probably going to sell out before I get a chance to get tickets! But it's worth it... Steve, Gene... in the SAME PLACE. Nothing could be plausibly better unless Strapping Young Lad reformed (hey, I'm a big fan of the Strapping).
  12. B

    Soen: Cognitive

    I second the LA show, because I would not only love to see and meet Digiorgio, I'd be honored to have my band play a show with him sometime!
  13. B

    Question for Steve/HippieOfDoom

    I could guess what that mystery album is, but I don't want to utter the band name because I don't want to ruin it for people who don't know. Also, how have you not heard Queens of the Stone Age? They're really good! Although I admit, hearing Alternative Rock, the last thing I think is "Steve...
  14. B

    Is it possible to play Tech Death with just 2 fingers?

    My bassist plays with 2 fingers, and he does alright. But he's not playing Digiorgio speeds. And we aren't necessarily Tech Death. We're more Old School Death Metal. But we take influence from Prog and Tech by having fretless bass and some crazy drum parts. I'd say it depends on what kind of...
  15. B

    Beyond Creation

    I tend to think that Tech Death should be done under the Cynic, Atheist, Death, Cryptopsy, and Gorguts models. Those are what I consider the big 5 of Tech Death - Cynic's prog influences and unique instrumentation with jazz influences, Atheist's crazy usage of guitar riffs against bass rhythms...