Recent content by Chai

  1. Chai

    Festival shirt: Input requested

    I don't post here very often, but came to say that my absolute favorite shirts are all the lighter-material variety. Would love to see the festival shirt in this material!
  2. Chai

    New Raintime Song

    Didn't see a post for this yet. I got an email from Raintime stating: I'm liking the little tidbit they've put up on myspace after a few listens (though it has that annoying "Pre-production" announcement in the middle of the song). Thoughts?
  3. Chai

    Nightwish Opener?

    Thanks for the speedy response everyone! Can anyone suggest an album (or more particular, a few favorite tracks) that I can get into them with? I've only heard one song by them "The Garden's Tale" off their myspace, and the vocalist sounded a bit like Cher. I know there's got to be more :).
  4. Chai

    Nightwish Opener?

    It very well could be, I just didn't see a band denoted on their site or on the Masquerade's so I didn't know.
  5. Chai

    Nightwish Opener?

    Hey, I've been looking around to see who the opening acts will be when Nightwish comes to Masquerade next month. I had tickets to see them awhile back when they toured with Paradise Lost, but plans changed last minute, and I'd love to see them paired with an interesting opener. In any case, it...
  6. Chai

    Iced Earth's "Riff"

  7. Chai


    Everything about this woman says "I will have what I want no matter the cost." Every interview I've seen has painted her as a completely selfish-driven woman with no regard to the safety of her children. She claims to have wanted to have more children because she wanted her kids to have...
  8. Chai

    Why must so many pretty women in the South be crazy Christians?

    I hear you man. One of the reasons I left the names off of the quotes I took from this thread was to attempt to not speak to the individuals who wrote them, as one cannot determine the character or intent of a man by his words on an online forum alone :). My response there was mostly just a view...
  9. Chai

    Bust a gut, or lose some brain cells: Random things you find on the net

    Incredibly NSFW. From the Dick in a Box guys.
  10. Chai

    Why must so many pretty women in the South be crazy Christians?

    I'm going to do something I've never done before, and attempt to respond to the thread as a whole, point for point, of people that have made points I'd like to respond to. I didn't copy any names, mainly to respond to what was written, rather than the person. Keep in mind, I am writing this from...
  11. Chai

    Shane, Showcase update?

    While that would be freaking awesome, I don't think it likely, unless it coincided with a 16th Ghost Opera tour or something :P (easily one of my favorite bands, but how many times can you tour a CD before doing something else). I hesitate to post my true desire for the showcase bands, as I...
  12. Chai

    I'm a little weary of posting this...

    I enjoyed the melody of the song, and the progression of the track. Lyrical content was a bit emo, but you already knew that :P. I think with more confidence your vocals would stand out so much more, I really think you're holding back in that area. Otherwise, good song! Keep recording, and let...
  13. Chai

    I am Gonna take Heat for this SONIC SYNDICATE

    I was at the Amon Amarth show with Palabra, and have to agree with him, point for point. I like harsh vocals, but what they did was something...different. Not knocking anyone's liking this band, I just found them to be a joke to watch. And not that funny joke you can share with friends. Also...
  14. Chai

    Christian Metal

    I can really appreciate this point. I generally will read most of the lyrics of any new band Christian metal act I'm getting into, and try to get a feel for the band as a whole. Typically you can read sincerity in the lyrics if it's there. Demon Hunter actually has a song titled Sixteen that...
  15. Chai

    Christian Metal

    Wow, lot of great suggestions here. Need to check a bunch of these out. I had previously been scrolling through this list looking for new music. I'll throw a couple of my favorites into the hat (though most if not all have been mentioned already): Theocracy (The new album is in almost constant...