Recent content by Dazza81

  1. Dazza81

    Two Words

    Great DVD!! I got my copy of Were You There today and I really enjoyed it. A really kick ass concert. Pity they could not include older songs on it, but it was still worth every cent :worship: :hotjump: :rock: :Spin:
  2. Dazza81

    Best song of 2004

    I only use MSN though.
  3. Dazza81

    Best song of 2004

    Yes, it is. Ill send you the song via messenger or something if you want. :)
  4. Dazza81

    Best song of 2004

    Iter Impius by Pain Of Salvation :worship:
  5. Dazza81

    how are your exams etc going?

    I start on Monday :erk:
  6. Dazza81

    WELCOME!!!!European Union thread!

    Thanks. Im very excited about finally joining our European cousins :hotjump:
  7. Dazza81

    Athens again

    Fucking hell, I was in Athens from the 26th March till the 6th April. Missed em by a week :erk: :yell:
  8. Dazza81

    favorite alcholic drink

  9. Dazza81

    Anathema favourite album - poll

  10. Dazza81

    Who writes better songs, Duncan or Mick?

    Dunc wrote Reality Clash, Mick wrote Dream. Ill take the pussy approach and say its a tie :D
  11. Dazza81

    The "Lights Out" appreciation thread

  12. Dazza81

    Your zodiac sign

    12th June, so Gemini as well :Smokin:
  13. Dazza81

    Antimatter Festive Special

    My money will soon be on its way. Just hang in there a little :)
  14. Dazza81

    disaster or lights?

    AND by half an inch. Violence was the song that determined that.
  15. Dazza81

    Fuck it just choose the best two - LIGHTS OUT

    Dream and Reality Clash