Recent content by Destination Forever

  1. Destination Forever

    Testament is coming to the ATL!

    I thought Testament totally slayed, too! :rock: That was my first time seeing them, and they did not disappoint. However, I thought the sound was not as good as it should've been, although it did get better after the first couple of songs. Seems like the sound has not been up to par the last...
  2. Destination Forever

    THEOCRACY 5/02 LOCAL Rollcall!

    Once we got down there, the whole day beforehand didn't even matter lol. I'm happy you've gotten to see that progression with us! By far, I have to say last night ranks as one of our best shows, and we are excited about our future with a vocalist as dynamic and talented as Sterling is. I...
  3. Destination Forever

    THEOCRACY 5/02 LOCAL Rollcall!

    Thanks again from Oblivion Myth to all those that came out last night! We still made it down there despite our truck breaking down right after we left lol, and we had an absolute blast all night. Thanks to Hoyt for always making sure we are taken care of! We are excited at how our first gig...
  4. Destination Forever

    THEOCRACY 5/02 LOCAL Rollcall!

    I can definitely say on behalf of all of us in Oblivion Myth that we will be looking forward to playing in Georgia again! We will debuting our new vocalist, and I can promise that he will turn heads. We will play material from our first album, songs from our 2nd album that we will be recording...
  5. Destination Forever

    Female fronted bands I've just gotten into...

    I don't know if they've been mentioned yet, but "Suicide By My Side" by Sinergy is a disc I've been spinning a lot lately. When I first heard Kimberly sing, I was shocked she was female lol because of her aggression and intensity.
  6. Destination Forever

    Firewind - Live Premonition DVD

    Can't wait for this either! They smoked at ProgPower last year, and I hated I missed them when they came back to Atlanta over the summer.
  7. Destination Forever

    Nevermore-Year of the Voyager dvd thoughts.

    I agree! I thought I would be annoyed by the quick changing shots, but the shooting quality is awesome. I liked all the up close shots of each band member playing certain parts, and the sound quality is phenomenal, so the changing camera angles didn't bother me at all once I got used to them...
  8. Destination Forever

    Nevermore - Time Of The Voyager in stock

    Just bought my copy, thanks!
  9. Destination Forever

    Nashville anyone?

    Yeah that place is the best place we've played in Murfreesboro so far! It's a really nice venue, probably bigger than even the Exit/In which is one of the more well known venues in Nashville.
  10. Destination Forever

    Nashville anyone?

    I think everyone else has said everything I would said lol. I lived about 15 minutes outside Nashville ever since I was a baby (about 21 years) and am now in graduate school here. I think edgeofthorns said it pretty well, but here's what I would add on or further explain: Nashville really...
  11. Destination Forever

    Tennesee Metal

    You are forgetting Oblivion Myth! But I am biased because it's my band lol. ;) We are a only power/thrash metal band from middle TN, and I think one of the only bands in that style right now in this area. We're getting ready to start work on our 2nd album in the winter and are currently...
  12. Destination Forever

    Kamelot/Halcyon Way/EbS Rollcall!

    I will be there with my brother and a friend!
  13. Destination Forever

    When you saw the PP USA X video the first time...

    Out of the bands I didn't know, Sabaton definitely made the biggest impression on me from the video.