Recent content by Dev

  1. Dev

    Terrorist bomb in SWEDEN!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??

    Been there. Welcome to the NWO :yuk:
  2. Dev

    Mammatus - The Coast Explodes

    There are only two Mammatus albums, right?
  3. Dev

    Mammatus - The Coast Explodes

    Beautiful, intense experience indeed :)
  4. Dev

    so does anyone like any hiphop here at all?

    Boom bip is the producer. The vocals are by Doseone, a vocalist from cLOUDDEAD if I'm not mistaken. The album has 29 tracks (duration 70 mins) - with a couple of catchy tunes but most of the tracks are as wtf indeed if not more. It features a Van Halen sample :)
  5. Dev

    so does anyone like any hiphop here at all?

    Make sure to check this if you liked cLOUDDEAD : <- Boom Bip & Doseone - Circle
  6. Dev

    Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

    qft Let's laugh together just a bit before the End :lol:
  7. Dev

    Social Networks; The Realm of Vacuous Mingling

    Let me know. I was also considering (Timeline = nice alibi).
  8. Dev

    SOPA - RC Going Dark

  9. Dev

    MP3s... has anyone stopped buying CDs?

    "you know and i know that you (and i) never sit down and listen to full albums back to back anymore." So true.
  10. Dev

    Audiophile Crap

    I LOLed :grin:
  11. Dev

    MP3s... has anyone stopped buying CDs?

    Search any artist/piece + FLAC on blogsearch or straight on (if there remains any - most links are obsolete. I find most things I'm looking after.
  12. Dev

    MP3s... has anyone stopped buying CDs?

    For classical music, I essentially download FLAC (be it a public domain record or not). Conductors and orchestras don't need my money - they are sponsored by hedge funds, Rolex and banks. So much for American and (some) European orchestras going "bankrupt". I already perpetuate the system...
  13. Dev

    Post a song that you HATE to love

  14. Dev

    Comus - First Utterance

    [Ellestin posting] Saw Comus live in paris last wednesday, opening for Current 93. Best show in months, maybe years. Graced by a perfect venue (cosy, theatre-like, awesome lighting and sound), both bands delivered like bastards. Comus made the First Utterance songs rumble and spark like...
  15. Dev

    Give me classical music tips