Recent content by Ermz

  1. Ermz

    Deftones - Gore

    Makes you wonder what happened during the production process for them to willingly release this as the end product.
  2. Ermz

    Slayer - Piece by Piece cover

    Hey, thanks for the kind words. From memory the guys used a Les Paul loaded with an Aftermath into my custom TS, a 5150III 50-watt and recto oversize cab with V30. We experimented for a whole day with various setups and landed with this in the end. I was pushing for the JVM and to ditch the...
  3. Ermz

    Slayer - Piece by Piece cover

    Here's another cover from Mason's last EP. Recorded this one from the ground up (as well as the last Kreator cover) so let me know if you have any questions about the process!
  4. Ermz

    Songs/Bands similar to Eye of the Enemy?

    They're massively inspired by Lamb of God and Fear Factory, but you probably already know those bands well. The riffing style is at times similar to the 00s wave of metalcore acts like As I Lay Dying. More recently, Collapse from the UK released an album which reminded me of EoTE in some ways:
  5. Ermz

    State of metal 2016

    Some of my favourite records are being written these days, so I'd say the creative state of metal is doing quite well. As always, you just need to know where to look. You generally have to wade through tonnes of generic throwback or trendwave bands in order to find something interesting.
  6. Ermz

    Kreator - Murder Fantasies cover

    Finally fixed the embedding. I think the forum code was being tweaked, because YouTube embeds weren't possible for about a day there.
  7. Ermz

    Kreator - Murder Fantasies cover

    Never tried that one!
  8. Ermz

    Kreator - Murder Fantasies cover

    We only recorded hands, so the kick is 100% sampled (works for the genre). The snare is slightly augmented with a sample of itself, taken on the day, and also with a higher tuned version of the same snare (Bell Brass). Toms are all natural. They were actually really poor sounding toms, but some...
  9. Ermz

    Kreator - Murder Fantasies cover

    Yeah, that's the one. Not sure why the board broke the original link.
  10. Ermz

    Is it just me or...

    The erosion of the board happened over several years, and like in most cases, a multitude of factors were the cause, rather than a single magic bullet. You have to take into account that the board has been around for a decade and a half, and there is ultimately only so much that can be said...
  11. Ermz

    Kreator - Murder Fantasies cover

    Thanks mate! I process much less on guitars these days. We tend to focus on getting things right at the source. We'll always record right into the amps, commit to the tone on the spot, no trial and error with reamping. Ironically, the guitars are the aspect of this mix I'm least pleased with. I...
  12. Ermz

    Rate Last Videogame you played , write a one sentence review.

    Grim Dawn - 9/10. The concept of classic ARPGs executed almost flawlessly.
  13. Ermz

    Kreator - Murder Fantasies cover

    Thought that some of you old timers might be into this one. This cover was included on an EP I engineered late last year - just released by the band today. YouTube crushes it a fair bit, but you still get an idea. Let me know if you have any questions about the production process!
  14. Ermz

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    Got a cloud done up for the mixing position.
  15. Ermz

    Toontrack Metal Month 2015?

    Agreed. Made of Metal is astoundingly realistic for an EZX, IMO.