Recent content by gmartin314

  1. G

    After ProgPower...

    That is awesome. Good luck to you. I ran one 2 years ago and when you cross the finish line, it feels amazing. I limped for 2 weeks because my knees hurt so bad, but the rush lasted for months. Keep with it and you'll do great.
  2. G

    The Offical "I'm new here" thread

    This was my first ProgPower. Had a great time and enjoyed meeting some great people. The music was awesome. I have to admit that Halcyon Way blew me away. I had never heard them before the show and they made a huge impression on me. They also introduced me to the PP concept of musician...
  3. G

    Say, anyone have an extra (or unneeded) PP VIII program?

    I totally missed getting the Book and CD. I managed to get one of the guys checking the hand stamps to get me a book. But I missed the CD. When did they give those out?
  4. G

    Still holding up the fort (forum) before leaving

    Just got back from the showcase. Freak Kitchen kicked ass. awesome show. Now it is time for bed. I 've been up since 3am. Tomorrow is going to rock. I hope to see everyone there.
  5. G

    ProgPower do's, don'ts

    Thanks to everyone for posting all of this info. This will be my first ProgPower, and am really getting pumped. I was getting a little worried that going solo would be boring, or intimidating. But based on the info in this thread, it sounds that it will be completely the opposite. I'm looking...
  6. G

    Arrival Times in Atlanta for ProgPowerVIII

    I'm arriving on Delta at 10 am on Thursday. Just in time to shop for supplies for the weekend.
  7. G

    what is your age bracket?

    32 :kickass:
  8. G

    So I already got my tickets mailed to me.

    Yeah, my tickets came yesterday. Now I need a place where I won't lose them. 6 and a half months seems sooooo far away.
  9. G

    The Official "I Got My SHOWCASE Tix!" Thread

    Finally just picked up my ticket. :rock:
  10. G

    Any virgins this year?

    I first heard of ProgPower back in 04, because of Pain of Salvation. By that time, it was too late for me to get a ticket. Then in 05, my wife was pregnant with our second child, so I didn't have the time or the money. For 06, I just forgot, taking care of an infant and a 2 year old will do that...
  11. G

    Any virgins this year?

    I've been planning to go since 03, but this is the first time I don't have other responsibilities. So, yes, I am a first timer. :rock:
  12. G

    The Official I GOT MY TICKETS! Thread

    My 2 daughters have a nasty stomach virus :Puke: , but I still got mine at 10 am sharp.
  13. G

    Are You Ready for ProgPowerVIII

    I have a room reserved at the Midtown Marriott. And just in case I realize that I can't afford the Marriott, I also have a room at the Super 8. No flight tickets yet, waiting for the right price.
  14. G

    (Poll)Metal on American Idol?

    My wife and I were watching it about 3 weeks ago, and one of the contestants had a "rocker" voice. Kind of sounded like Nickelback. But the judges were just turned off by it. They are looking for pop, R&b, and maybe contemporary country. Artists like Bo Bice, had a rocker image, but they didn't...
  15. G

    Orchestral metal.. Yes or no?

    I've always liked it. I am not a big fan of some of the bands that do live albums with the orchestra (Except for Dream Theater's last live CD, that one was awesome). But I love the way Dimmu Borgir or Nightwish do it. It sounds so full.