Recent content by llljllollnlll

  1. llljllollnlll

    Slayer Bus Benches in Los Angeles...

    I was wondering if any one else acquired one of these
  2. llljllollnlll

    Slayer bus bench ad

    I was 36 when I took that off the bus bench. Saw slayer for the first time in 1986. So I'm old as fuck
  3. llljllollnlll


    Getting one was very easy. Broad daylight and looking like I was supposed to be there
  4. llljllollnlll

    Slayer Bus Benches in Los Angeles...

    Yeah, I saw it, and made sure I owned it.
  5. llljllollnlll

    Slayer bus bench ad

    Anyone else happen to own one of the bus bench ads that came out in' 06 ?