Recent content by Lord Melithor

  1. L

    ProgPower USA IX Roster Announcement....

    ok this may sound stupid of me to ask but what is this roster annoucment you speak of?
  2. L

    Ok people, listen up (no more forum wars)

    ................................ :err: how many people ate paint chips as a kid lets see a show of hands...anyone? about you in the corner over there!
  3. L

    Ok people, listen up (no more forum wars)

    It turned into a war on my thread because you made it a war i only fought back because you all think your better and that your opinion actually matters but it doesnt i mean if mine doesnt why should yours? you are all full of it and im tired of it you can all go back to your insecure lives...
  4. L

    Formal Apology Of Lord Melithor.....

    Jim kiss my ass! Everyone else kiss ass! You dont like it when someone says something thats not even ment to harm anyone and attack that person just because you dont like it FUCK YOU! You people make me sick the messege board was created to express freedom of speech. But you people find...
  5. L

    Formal Apology Of Lord Melithor.....

    Fatesfan..... you might want to keep reading i think you might like what i have to say! :loco: Fatesfan lets see how you like to be picked on and corrected! :err: did you really think you could get off telling my fiance that she was wrong and, that what she said was pretty much out of...
  6. L

    Formal Apology Of Lord Melithor.....

    ;) ;) I am so lucky to have found her she is the only reason i get up in the morning i must have done something right to get such a beautiful and caring woman ;)
  7. L

    Formal Apology Of Lord Melithor.....

    :blush: i love my fiance!.... I Love My Fiance!...... I LOVE MY FIANCE! :blush:
  8. L

    Formal Apology Of Lord Melithor.....

    Thank you for your apologies and once again sorry
  9. L

    Formal Apology Of Lord Melithor.....

    well i mean thats the point i didnt generally insult anyone
  10. L

    Glenn and the Corsettes

    no thanks i would rather apologize lol
  11. L

    Formal Apology Of Lord Melithor.....

    the chainmail thing i can live without but i wish other people were as laid back as you and werent so uptight lol
  12. L

    Formal Apology Of Lord Melithor.....

    well sorry for not spell checking its late and im sleepy i just wanted it to mean well is all
  13. L

    Formal Apology Of Lord Melithor.....

    some people are upset because of something i said on the cosset thread and im just trying to apologize but they want to be butts about it when all i want is to apologize whats so bad about that?
  14. L

    Formal Apology Of Lord Melithor.....

    i know im talking about the rest of the people out there
  15. L

    Formal Apology Of Lord Melithor.....

    Im just trying to make nice here and apologize whats the harm in that?