Recent content by Metal E

  1. M

    Iron Savior: Spontaneous extra song?

    Oh, the irony. :rock:
  2. M

    Iron Savior: Spontaneous extra song?

    I noticed something at the end of the Iron Savior set and I wanted to see if maybe I'm just imagining things. Before they started playing Atlantis is Falling, I could swear that I remember Piet introducing it as the last song. I also remember Piet introducing Iron Savior (the song) as being...
  3. M

    Matt Barlow's Vocal Performance

    I thought he sounded good. I was pleasantly surprised how well he did with the tracks that were recorded with Tim Owens. Who ever knew Matt could screech like that? I was one of those skeptics that hated the replacement of Matt with Tim--at least at first. I had a hard time accepting The...
  4. M

    Your Favorite Band Of PPUSA IX Weekend?

    1. Iced (Fucking) Earth 2. Iron Savior 3. JOP :goggly:
  5. M

    ProgPower Iconic Moments Over The Years

    They had to have been getting all their metal from another dimension, but all that crossing the streams has got to be rough on the proton packs they must have powering their amps.
  6. M

    ProgPower Iconic Moments Over The Years

    At first I was disappointed because I didn't get the opportunity to appeal for an encore, but I see it differently after giving it some thought. The equipment was obviously feeling the strain from Night of the Stormrider. Honestly, I feel I've witnessed something special. Iced Earth literally...