Recent content by musicsnob

  1. musicsnob

    Glenn or Larry D going way back here and need some help

    Sounds like Devil Doll. The dude in charge was Mr. Doctor. I've never heard them, but it sounds about right.
  2. musicsnob

    Armored Saint

    Good song, but that is a really, really bad video.
  3. musicsnob

    TAD MOROSE - St. Demonius

    The drummer must have been late on his lay-away payments and they repossessed his toms.
  4. musicsnob

    New PSYCO DRAMA album coming in 2015 - Album Sampler

    What happened to In the Machine? You don't mention it at all here...
  5. musicsnob


    Whoo. Alan Tecchio. There's a love/hate kind of dude for you. Is he singing on all the tracks?
  6. musicsnob

    Adrenaline Mob spring tour and covers ep

    Amen. Can we get a moratorium on covers of "Kill the King"?
  7. musicsnob

    New Communic Track

    Had no idea this was out. Thanks for the update. Purchased via iTunes immediately.
  8. musicsnob

    Update from IN THE MACHINE (Corey Brown) - CD Released

    Not bad, but as I mentioned over on PMX2, the sound is a bit raw. Corey's voice is a bit rougher than I remember, but I guess we're all getting a bit older. I'd like to reserve final judgement until I've had a few more listens, but right now it's not jumping out and grabbing me, though it's...
  9. musicsnob

    the Gull Records-era Judas Priest

    Heading out to the Highway, Solar Angels, Don't Go, Hot Rockin' - none of them particularly heavy, nor metal, for that matter. I still like it, though. Check YouTube for the extremely Ghey videos...
  10. musicsnob

    the Gull Records-era Judas Priest

    Channeling your inner Misfit claiming your opinions to be fact, eh?:heh: I can see where looking back you might think BS is corporate rock, but I'd argue that it became so *after the fact* with the overplaying of Living After Midnight and Breaking the Law. Back then, not so much. And Hell...
  11. musicsnob

    Helloween- Unarmed-25th anniverary album

    I'm with boB on this one. Looks interesting. Strange that a group of people who purport to like "progressive" music freak out when a band actually tries something genre-busting.
  12. musicsnob

    Powermad 2000 family photo

    Pretty sure I'm actually wearing that jersey in the picture. You can kind of see a red collar! Hello from the desert!
  13. musicsnob

    Been to every single PPUSA?

    I've had tickets to all of them, but have missed two and will miss this one, also, because of work. Missed 2002 due to attending USAF Officer Training School, missed 2007 due to being in Iraq, and will miss 2009 due to spending a few weeks in a country bordering the Persian Gulf :-) Since I...
  14. musicsnob


    Looking up as in looking up from three goals down :OMG: As usual, the king is not dead until the body's cold. Not this year...