Recent content by NicholasDWolfwood

  1. N

    Cm Punk Destroys WWE Live On RAW!

    honestly it's probably not going to go anywhere. as much as he's telling the truth about the shit going on in wwe, vince isn't going to change. they could have used punk WAY better in the 6+ years he's been there (I think he left roh in 2006?). tna didn't use him right, and now wwe hasn't...
  2. N

    Cm Punk Destroys WWE Live On RAW!

    goddamn punk just SHITTED on wwe, first time I've heard someone call out laurinitis on national tv lmfao
  3. N

    Cm Punk Destroys WWE Live On RAW!

    before I watch the video, is this a legit rant (a "shoot") or a scripted one (a "worked shoot")? I'll be able to tell when I watch it cos punk always used to "shoot" in the indies, but...yeah. didn't know punk was legit leaving though. they really misused him.
  4. N

    Mastodon + Muppets = WIN

    lmfao wtf brann as mr rodgers, wtf? awesome song though.
  5. N

    Death Symbolic cover by Sylosis feat Ryan Knight

    wasn't too bad, I don't think the vocals fit with the song but then again I didn't think that clean vocals fit it either when scariot covered it. that's about my only complaint. it amazes me how people play the "symbolic acts" riff like it's nothing, that shit's fucking insane. I'm still...
  6. N

    New Chimaira - The Age of Hell

    I had known about jim for months, I think they announced that before the christmas show or something. andols and chris was news to me though. it doesn't surprise me that chris got tired of it, nor does it surprise me that andols once again is out of the band. seems like it's a very volatile...
  7. N

    New Chimaira - The Age of Hell

    wait, where did andols and chris go?
  8. N

    Human Reissue

    Just wanted to stop and post a quick heads up: Hippie's bassplaying on Human is fucking awesome. The reissue pretty much solved the problem of the Ric not being mixed high enough, as well as having drum and bass tracks that have some fucking AWESOME playing on them.
  9. N

    2nd New Burzum album in the space of a year

    it's not hard to believe that they're recorded and looped segments...I think it'd be quite a big pain in the ass to play everything just to reprogram everything but the snare.
  10. N

    2nd New Burzum album in the space of a year

    Drums were never programmed, iirc you can hear varg go out of time very clearly at a few spots on burzum and det som engang var. I got the 128 rip until my copy arrives from amazon in march.
  11. N

    2nd New Burzum album in the space of a year

    Drums aren't programmed, they're recorded segments and then looped. To my ears they sound nothing like a programmed drum sound. Fallen is a good album, Belus Pt 2 really but more focus on clean vocals.
  12. N

    Just got laid

    yessir it is. fucking ridiculous when blazed. I wanna fuck on ebombs though
  13. N

    Technical deathmetal band I just finished mixing

    doesn't sound bad but I'm not a huge fan of tech for the sake of being tech (ala necrophagist, obscura, etc)
  14. N

    post-black-metal/shoegaze/whatever (real amp ;)

    Honestly the distorted guitars sound pretty good but a little cloudy. I guess you're going for an Alcest type tone?
  15. N

    Just got laid

    lol this thread didn't get the reaction I thought it'd get..good thing I was really high.