Recent content by (/\)olf Hunter

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    Black metal vocalist/guitarst looking for band in syd.

    yeah i know what u mean, i dont play as much as i should these days. im slowly getting back into it.
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    Black metal vocalist/guitarst looking for band in syd.

    Thanks dude, ive only been in syd for week now and am looking for other metal heads to hang or jam with. I have a car so travel is no problem
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    Black metal vocalist/guitarst looking for band in syd.

    Thanks for the reply. Im 23 so yeah, age difference would matter a bit. But still good to know there is someone into bm in syd.
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    Black metal vocalist/guitarst looking for band in syd.

    HI, ive just moved to Sydney and am looking to form or join a band. I have been playing guitar for 14 yrs and doing vox for 2 yrs. I live in West Ryde (20 min east of Paramatta). Influences include Naglfar, Testament, Dimmu, Anorexia Nervosa, Kataklysm. If interested plz drop me an email, or...
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    Looking for band in goldie/brisbane area

    Im trying to form an experimental black metal focused band. I do vocals and guitar and am looking for a second guitarist, bass, drummer, keyboardist, violinist influences include: dimmu borgir, cradle, naglfar, anorexia nervosa. I am in the gold coast area atm but might be moving to brisbane.
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    Official "Donate your DL-Seattle Metalfest video to the broke metalhead fund" thread

    how about some one buys one of the vids, and ships it over to a DL fanatic in Australia. since their USA-only avaliable.
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    My hope for Dragonlord

    You can talk about this as much as u like and end up going round in circles. the fact is that dragonlord was very well received and deserves to be an ongoing project, there is no denying that.
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    favorite vampire movies?

    BLADE I and II are my favs, then bram's dracula
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    Just baught Rapture....

    Wolf tribe reminds me of how much the new dimmu ownz. fav track have to be progenies, or lepers..
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    the movie "underworld"

    And it was all a bad dream, THE END. Now go to bed children
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    a poll: vampires v. werewolves

    Wolf... Natrually. grrr
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    How many bands have dragon in thier name?

    i can only think of two atm Dragonlord Dragonland Are thier any mre out there? oh and btw... the Dragonlords should come to australia, we got free beer.
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    Brisbane scene?

    kool. Me and my entire band are moving up to brisbane/gold coast at the end of this year. Melodic death/black metal is what we play. If anyone wants to get into contact leave a message or something.
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    Just baught Rapture....

    Trtadition and Fire ownz.
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    Don't songs lose their meaning to you once you can play them?

    Yeah i try to refrain from learning songs i like unless im gona cover em. It sort of takes away the mystery once u know the ins and outs of a song. Its kinda of like listening to a song way too much imo...