Recent content by Oreamnos

  1. Oreamnos

    Hello everyone

    I am newer, as well. Stoked to see us coming in hordes. Eternally metalz. /m/
  2. Oreamnos

    Welcome to the metal meowlitia! May your future days be blessed by the ritualistic wisdom and...

    Welcome to the metal meowlitia! May your future days be blessed by the ritualistic wisdom and occasional fuckery found among us. ;P /m/
  3. Oreamnos

    amp choice

    The Dark Terror or the HT-1 are my preferred from this list. I have played both extensively. You can most definitely get bearable, enjoyable high gain tones without pedals from these amps, on a decently higher volume especially, with a 4x12.. although it never hurts to have a little compression...