Recent content by panzerwagen

  1. panzerwagen


    Thank you so much for the kind words. I am really happy to see that you and other individuals appreciated te acoustic set so much! Doing this set was a real treat! Treasured forever. And thanks for sposoring us too. If it wasn't for you sponsors Wolverine would most likely never had ended up...
  2. panzerwagen


    Man, thanks for crying - really! This means we did something good and proper. And thanks for sharing this on the forum. I am sad that you were sad, but at the same time I am glad we made some of you cry. I know you know what I mean. Thank you for the support! //Thomas
  3. panzerwagen


    Hi everyone, this is Thomas from Wolverine (bassplayer) I don't visit and use forums and other social media very often, however I do want to say a few words about what has been posted in this thread and about my PP USA experience in general. First of all I would, just like Marcus has already...
  4. panzerwagen

    Status Update

    The tracks will be sent off for mastering before long. Marcus will fix the final details before we can send it off. We will also see to it that the artwork is ready for printing as soon as we can. Can't wait!
  5. panzerwagen

    Status Update

    Honeslty, I don't know. First of all we need to have the album mastered - then, if we feel we should provide samples, we need to come to an agreement with the label responsible for the release. That's the only answer I can give you at the moment. Thomas
  6. panzerwagen

    Status Update

    Some information We are currently in a kind of "waiting process" – waiting to be able to send the already mixed tracks for mastering. So, we could say that the progress is stalled at the moment. We will let you know when the tracks are sent off. A release is definitely getting closer, but...
  7. panzerwagen

    Now listening?

    "Embrace" (fretless bass stuff, Communication Lost.)
  8. panzerwagen

    Now listening?

    Watain: Waters of Ain (Lawless darkness)
  9. panzerwagen

    Status Update

    Grand Piano recorded yesterday. Things went well. Some images can be found on the homepage. Image Copyright: Mattias Olsson
  10. panzerwagen

    Status Update

    Well, I for one get into different moods when I listen to the stuff we've got so far. Although I've been taking part in the process of making these songs, I am still very touched by them. Perhaps they won't come out as depressing as I tend to talk about them, but I guess it all depends on who...
  11. panzerwagen

    Status Update

    Thanks a lot for the kind words about Still. Of course the new album will beat our previous one, hehe. In my opinion this will be the best stuff we ever did - the new album will be a lot more depressive/awkward and emotional. Perhaps this new release will resemble CLoM more when it somes to...
  12. panzerwagen

    Status Update

    Dear friends and fans This weekend we're trying to get some bass tracks nailed for our upcoming album Communication Lost.. So far the actual recording of the bass has run fairly well, but we've had quite a bit of trouble with some of the equipment - noisy cabinetsc+ mixers not communicating...
  13. panzerwagen

    Now listening?

    Balla Trazan Apansson (Trazan & Banarne)
  14. panzerwagen

    Status Update

    It appears that the new homepage didn't show up on my own computer screen due to cache memory or something of the kind. For those of you who have also experienced this problem, remember to refresh the page that you're visiting in order to get the new stuff! Sorry about this kerfuffle Thomas
  15. panzerwagen

    Status Update

    Apparently we haven't succeeded in getting the new homepage running. We are sorry about this and we're looking to get it done ASAP. Thomas