Recent content by Phoenix77

  1. Phoenix77

    Tickets: For Sale/Wanted

    Hi JW, Yes, of course I'll be there!!!!! My daughter wanted to come this year, but changed her mind....Oh well, her loss! C'ya soon! Deb:)
  2. Phoenix77

    Tickets: For Sale/Wanted

    Hi, Again, Forgot...I also have a Hellish Tour ticket as well. let me know ASAP!!!!! Cheers! Deb Ohara
  3. Phoenix77

    Tickets: For Sale/Wanted

    Greetings! I have a ticketmaster ticket for the whole weekend available. Contact me if you're interested. Thanks! Deb Ohara
  4. Phoenix77

    Now Playing

    Type O Negative...Black#1 Hey Y'all...thought I'd drop by and say Hi!
  5. Phoenix77

    Which SymX show(s) will you be attending? (2 of 2)

    I'll be at the Tempe Show! Yahoo! With a whole gaggle of Symphony X buds, of course.
  6. Phoenix77

    Therion's Next Album

    I am Sooooo Psyched!!!! Love Therion!
  7. Phoenix77

    ProgPower USA VII DVD: Preview all 24 Tracks

    hey Glenn, Nice job!!!! Can't wait to sit down and see the whole thing!!! Cheers, Deb Ohara
  8. Phoenix77

    OT: PP room available at Merriott Residence Inn 9/14, 15, 16

    Hey, last minute, I know, but I have a room available at the Residence Inn, just a block away from the earthlink, for $129 per night. Please let me know ASAP if you're interested. Contact me at (tyefire at See y'all soon! Deb Ohara
  9. Phoenix77

    Room available at Residence Inn for 9/14,15,16

    Hey, you last minute crazies! We have an extra room available. The rate is $129 per night. Let me know ASAP if you're interested. Email at (tyefire at Thanks! See you soon! Deb Ohara
  10. Phoenix77

    Who's driving to Atlanta this year? VEHICLE MAINTENANCE!!!

    Hi y'all, Thanks for the check list're a good daddy! I'll be driving in from Phoenix...Yikes...its over 1000 miles! This is the first year I am driving as I lost my job last month so I have the luxury of some free time. I'll be leaving monday, and hopefully getting there by...
  11. Phoenix77

    OUTWORLD Fires Singer Kelly Sundown Carpenter - Seeks Replacement

    best of luck to Kelly! He is one heluva singer, not to mention a super nice guy! Deb Ohara
  12. Phoenix77

    PPUSA/SymX lunch

    hey Sweethearts, I'll be there! Deb Ohara
  13. Phoenix77

    Freak Guitar !

    Oooh yeah! Very nice! After all the repeated listenings, the video is a real treat. Will be the highlight of PP! Thanks, WAYNE! Deb Ohara
  14. Phoenix77

    Official Saturday afternoon lunch at Front Page News?

    Hi JW and everyone, I'll be there...Just tell me where, and time. I still don't know my way around Atlanta that well, anyway. I'll be on time this year, too! Counting the days... Deb
  15. Phoenix77

    T-shirt preview

    Oh, Yes...Girlie shirts...I am coming out of lurking for this one! Did I miss when they are available, and where to send the $25? Anyone? Heck I'll wear mine all year in Phoenix! Rawk! Deb