Recent content by Rager93

  1. R

    Queensryche: 2009 setlist(s) *spoilers*

    LMAO!! :rock: I too love the Usenet archives. Need to go back read some of the Golden Age of RMAQ or the Great DT/QR Flame Wars. Great times. I can't say I had high hopes for American Soldier. However, when I read about the concept behind this album I thought..."Cool". Queensryche from...
  2. R

    Queensryche: 2009 setlist(s) *spoilers*

    I'm supposed to be going to see them next week at The Fillmore in SF. I say supposed to because my buddy and I said we were going when the tour dates were first released but neither of us seem all that excited about it. It's kinda like Queensryche at the Fillmore is a duty that we feel obliged...
  3. R

    So how is everyone getting to the SHOW!

    Hey another Bay Area-ite! I'm flying out of SF on Thursday at 6:30 AM direct flight and land in Atlanta at 2 PM. Where are you staying? I'll be at the Residence Inn. :kickass: Later Phil
  4. R

    Band Tees

    Hell I've been trying to figure out what to wear for about a week. I guess I'm a "girlie-man". :) Most of my wardrobe is "business casual" for work and the rest of it is either sports (SF Giants/soccer) related or not very "metal". <shrug> I guess I'll just wear what I normally do and rock...
  5. R

    Band Tees

    Glad to hear I won't be the only one not wearing a "concert" tee. Heck I haven't bought a concert shirt in ages. I'll probably buy a Prog Power shirt this year to comemorate my 1st (finally) Prog Power. Later Phil
  6. R

    can I get a Metal HELL Yeah for PROG POWER

  7. R

    Drum Sticks:

    Wow! Now I figured there'd be otheres with teenage kids. I did not expect anyone to be a grandparent. TOO COOL, You have to be the coolest grandma ever!
  8. R

    The hardest part about Prog Power...

    I considered doing the same thing. But decided against it as it would take time away from listening to Evergrey and Mercenary.:rock: I did pick up the following though: Jorn, Pyramaze, Circle II Circle, Zero Hour so at least I'll be somewhat familiar with some of the bands. There's just not...
  9. R

    Drum Sticks:

    Is that that surprising? I have 2 kids....17 and 12 year old girls.:OMG: :lol: Later Phil
  10. R

    The last old metal album you listened to?

    Queensryche - Rage for Order For the better part of 10 years I listened to this album just about daily. Now I'm down to about once a month or so. But I was just listening to it yesterday as a matter of fact. This is the sinlge greatest piece of music ever created in the history of...
  11. R

    Five perfect heavy metal albums

    Accept and Vanden Plas in a Bryant list? Whodothunk? What's up Bryant? Since you never come to RMAQ anymore I had to stalk you down here. I take you like Christ 0? Later Phil
  12. R

    Five perfect heavy metal albums

    Thanks. This will be my first and maybe only PP. I'm out in here in sunny California and the trip to Atlanta is costly. Looking forward to it though, bummer you won't be there. I'll finally get to meet up with a bunch of old friend from and that is gonna be a...
  13. R

    Five perfect heavy metal albums

    Aw thanks man. I'll see what I can contribute....I am pretty old school. :rock: Well you said you and Bryant were alway on here so I figured this was the place to be. :kickass: Later Phil
  14. R

    What's your all time favorite song?

    Nearly impsossible to pick just one but here goes: Neue Regel - Queensryche Rage for Order They openned the show on the Rage Tour with this song and my musical outlook changed forever. No other band has awed me like that. Just fucking unbelievable intensity from Tate and DeGarmo. And they...
  15. R

    Reunions you'd like to see

    Personally I'd like to see Queensryche take a 5 year hiatus. Tate can rest his voice. Then bring DeGarmo back for one last go around in an Evening with Queensryche tour where they do an entire catalog retrospective in 3 parts: Set 1: Queen of the Reich Blinded/Nightrider medley The Lady...