Recent content by razoredge

  1. R

    What happened to today's pop music?

    I dont think anything much has changed in pop music other than the sound/style/latest fad of the times. Its always tended to be rather weak and domestic, its always revolved around heart throbs and various gayities, the teen thing, the teen culture. Even used by media sources and the music...
  2. R

    Question about origin of metal

    heres UFO 1970 1972 we can find more elements of the metal groove and ideas in the clips I posted. I would not have listened to this UFO very often even if I had heard of...
  3. R

    Controversial non-metal opinions

    yes, I would guess too late to the party, I dont think your much on progressive music anyhow ? I think those two songs are quite a bit different. Lakeside Park is totally upbeat, with horns it could more closely be a Chicago song. Bands like Zebra showed more direct Zep influence IMO, but Zep...
  4. R

    Question about origin of metal

    shame on me for not thinking to mention.... Alice Coopers band release two albums in 71 Love it to Death and Killer with thier little twist on rock sorry for the quality, everything Alice seems to be live finally a studio version
  5. R

    Your favourite beer

    Is it bad to like Saranac Pale Ale ? I know nothing about beers but this stuff seems to go down easy without the watered or weak coffee type flavor of typical beers
  6. R

    News about the CD

    Thank you other than that all I can say is oh no "its back" (the topic), now thinking of future ways to further derail said topic away from the moaning long ago addressed in the "news" sticky, yet has gone ignored. Perhaps some political debate on US policy is overdue....... :lol:
  7. R

    Music downloading is it good or bad?

    "stealing" "valid in a moral sense" "we havent determined" "in a moral sense" thus proving we are no doubt decended from apes... still somehow apes are able to recognize territorial matters, such ponderous things are these
  8. R


    At the time I though it was some pretty elementary and "stupid" music. Later much later I accepted it for its purpose... which was being stupid and having fun
  9. R

    Controversial non-metal opinions

    Drop your guard and give them a few more listens in the context of 1975 not all you have heard since. Rush was an awesome thing to have happen to music.
  10. R

    Controversial non-metal opinions

    again it was to question your use of the terms average and boring, that I beleive that was lame critique considering some of your other music, not my fault that your primary example of simplistic music is hiphop, dont be offended by it, it was a comparision I could make knowing your taste in...
  11. R

    Music downloading is it good or bad?

    stealing is generally considered bad and frowned upon, at least on most other clouds. Copyrite and patent laws were put in effect for a reason, it was part of the intelectual evolution of mankind, please do try to catch up
  12. R

    "Ignorant America: Just How Stupid Are We?"

    yeah, I did too when I had about 1.2 years of blissfull awareness
  13. R

    Music downloading is it good or bad?

    this is getting dull like a lead pencil from the person that put the work and expences into the music and the recording are you really this fucking dense ? or is this like some Monty Python thing ?
  14. R

    Controversial non-metal opinions

    another side of Rush, same year different album, not a popular song amounst prog Rush fans but one I always enjoyed, to me has a somewhat funk/rock feel... by way of white canooks :)
  15. R

    Controversial non-metal opinions

    STN - to further the question of average and boring, how is this average and boring circa 1975 ? I was rather excited by it myself. Rush wasnt for everyone but it doesnt seem average and boring was their issue with them. At that time it was either too heavy, too all over the place, Gettys shrill...