Recent content by RedFox742

  1. RedFox742

    Hammerfest - Stage Times

    Good setlist, although Cemetery Gates oughta be in there somewhere! :-)
  2. RedFox742

    Alestorm - Back Through Time

    Chris, you do realize that the You Are A Pirate cover is going to become just as insanely popular as the Wolves of the Sea cover, and after a few more albums your entire setlist is going to consist of "absurdly crappy songs about pirates made fucking awesome by Alestorm?" :-) I'm still waiting...
  3. RedFox742

    Rhapsody of Fire: "From Chaos To Eternity"

    Surprisingly (or not), I feel the exact opposite. I only really enjoy the ending bit of Octavarium, the long tribute section and then the climax. Sure, Champion of Ithaca is the best part of Odyssey, but how can you not like the rest of it? Especially the first three minutes or so?
  4. RedFox742

    Rhapsody of Fire: "From Chaos To Eternity"

    Psht. Symphony X and Dream Theater laugh at your pathetic 19 minutes and raise you "Octavarium" and "The Odyssey" (24 minutes apiece.)
  5. RedFox742

    Rhapsody of Fire: "From Chaos To Eternity"

    ... wait, so this ends their fantasy saga? What the hell are they going to sing about next? Corporate bureaucracy?
  6. RedFox742

    Unisonic......Kai Hansen and Michael Kiske!!

  7. RedFox742

    Iced Earth announce new vocalist!

    OH MY FREAKING GOD!!!!!!!! YES!! YEEEESSSSSSSSSSS. Stu Block is AMAZING. Unfortunately, I doubt that current Iced Earth songs, which tend to be in more of a clear baritone, are best for his combination of power-metal howl and the only death-grunt I've ever really appreciated except for...
  8. RedFox742

    If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?

    A million's not what it used to be, y'know. ^_^
  9. RedFox742

    Timo Tolkki's new project "SYMFONIA"

    Go to 1:34. Sing the chorus of "Shelter From the Rain" along with their version. CANNOT UNHEAR.
  10. RedFox742

    Death and afterlife

    I'm not going to say this isn't true--in fact, as a casual Christian, I'm really supposed to believe it is, and sometimes I do--but you speak of the Resurrection like it's the sun rising in the morning, at the obvious fact that proves all else. Why? I mean, if it could be proven to me that...
  11. RedFox742

    The Sonata Arctica Thread

    I didn't have "In The Dark, Nothing More" on my album, "In My Eyes" is just a mediocre rock song (Tony DRONES verses he used to SING), "Everything Fades" is mehhh... and even if they were good, they come too LATE after "Breathing," "Zeroes," "The Dead Skin," and "Juliet" just bring the energy to...
  12. RedFox742

    List your power metal collection here

    I've heard it before from other people, unconvincingly (it always just comes down to that one line "unauthorized use, not stealing." I'll entertain the notion again, but I think it's just another another "tortured love song," really. (And not one of their good ones...) Also, you guys should...
  13. RedFox742

    DragonForce announce new singer

    In power metal, you are always riding for something or to somewhere. (Especially in DragonForce!) Ergo, horses are necessary. Because really, riding a bike isn't exactly power metal. ^_^ (EDIT: I suppose, really, you're supposed to ride a dragon, but a horse is a good close second.) On...
  14. RedFox742

    The Sonata Arctica Thread

    *le sigh* You've been waiting for me to show up here, haven't you, Kysh. :rolleyes: Favorite Sonata album is Reckoning Night, but their first four are all amazing. After that........ Unia grew on me. Slightly. After a LONG time. Days of Grays is unlistenable after track 4. Zzzzzzz. (For the...
  15. RedFox742

    Power Quest the Horse
