Recent content by Section16

  1. Section16


    Wow, talk about bring up an old thread. But VERY odd timing that this thread was brought back up on today of all days. This is a topic that is mentioned about every other month between Corey and myself: What is going on with BOP? The answer I get is always the same: A shrug of the...
  2. Section16

    Showcase Replacement?

    Being selfish here and thinking of what I personaly would like to see (not thinking of overall "replacement" level matching for VP): For a Prog band: I'd like to see Redemption. I have yet to see them live. Possibly Titan Force as well, but I am very biased on this choice. For a Power...
  3. Section16

    Jag Panzer / Titan Force Schedule Colorado Springs Concerts.

    I wanted to post some concert news on Jag Panzer and Titan Force for anyone that might be interested (and of course throw in some shameless self promotion as well). Jag Panzer / Titan Force Schedule Colorado Springs Concerts. JAG PANZER, the legendary Colorado-based power metal band...
  4. Section16

    Seveth Wonder at ProgPower?

    I would love to see Seventh Wonder perform at next year's pre-show or part of the main event the following year. Mercy Falls really grabbed my attention and I am now working through Waiting in the Wings. I am very impressed with this group. Yes, please get them for ProgPower USA!
  5. Section16

    ANDROMEDA -Immunity Zone- Official feedback thread

    Hi Lance, I picked this one up from your booth at ProgPower. I think that The Immunity Zone is a very strong release. I'm liking it a lot. This CD is turning out to be one of my favorite recent releases (along with Seventh Wonder's Mercy Falls). I'm still very new to Andromeda's music...
  6. Section16

    60% of you are Musicians

    Bass - main band Section 16. Other projects: Magnitude 9, Metro Society, and Hecrules Castro. Always looking and willing for cool studio work as well - a.k.a bass for hire ;) Ian Ringler
  7. Section16

    Touring the States.

    Mercy Falls is without a doubt my top Prog CD of the year so far. I am blown away by this CD. I picked up a copy at ProgPower USA and it has been in constant rotation since. Amazing job Andreas on the CD and on the killer bass playing. I would love to see Seventh Wonder perform at...
  8. Section16

    TITAN FORCE (w/Harry Conklin) Schedules Colorado Springs Concert

    Hello to all on the mighty ProgPower USA Forum! I thought I'd post this info on here in case anyone was interested. TITAN FORCE, the Colorado-based band fronted by JAG PANZER singer Harry Conklin, will play on Saturday, March 29 at the Union Station in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This will...
  9. Section16

    New Metro Society CD (with Corey Brown on vocals) now available at The Laser's Edge

    Many thanks for the interest in the CD. Again, any fan of Corey Brown should not be disappointed by his performance here. I do have an update on the CD: The CD is now also available through Lance King at and through Zane at as well as...
  10. Section16

    New Metro Society CD (with Corey Brown on vocals) now available at The Laser's Edge

    David, thanks for the very cool compliments on the CD. I am hoping to make the trip out to BARfest. Killer line up if I do say so myself :rock: Ian
  11. Section16

    New Metro Society CD (with Corey Brown on vocals) now available at The Laser's Edge

    Thanks for the comments and yes please check out the Metro Society stuff. We'd love to hear what you think about it. As far as Section 16 goes: we took last year off and hopefully we'll start things back up this summer. In regards to Magnitude 9: I'm not the spokesperson for the band...
  12. Section16

    New Metro Society CD (with Corey Brown on vocals) now available at The Laser's Edge

    Hi all, Just wanted to post that the new Metro Society CD (featuring Corey Brown on vocals) is available online through Ken Golden at The Laser's Edge ( Just wondering if anyone has heard any of the music yet and if anyone had any thoughts (good or bad). I personally...
  13. Section16

    ...and a quick note of thanks.

    Very cool news indeed. All the best man! Cheers, Ian Ringler
  14. Section16

    Any one check out the Prog Power CD sampler?

    Thank you for the kind words about our tune on the sampler. This is one of my favorite songs that Corey has recorded with us. I was hoping to have another Section 16 CD finished by ProgPower, but no such luck. Speaking of Corey Brown, if anyone gets a chance check out Corey singing on my...
  15. Section16

    Redemption welcomes new bassist

    Wow! Killer news Nick. James is such an amazing player. I'm looking forward to hear how Sean adds his sound and style to Redemption. Ian